Which of the following has more fire resisting characteristics?
The rocks having aluminium or clay as their major constituent, are known as:
Which of the following cements contains maximum percentage of dicalcium silicate?
Gypsum is added in the manufacture of Portland cement in order to
For a 1500 m3 of brickwork, the number of nominal brick required are:
Which of the following class of Brick is represented as Ground moulded and is commonly used at places where brickwork is to be provided with a coat of plaster?
Which of the following is extensively used for construction of railway carriages?
In a lime-cement plaster, ratio 1 : 1 : 6 corresponds to:
For the construction of cement concrete floor, the maximum permissible size of aggregates is
What is the quantity of cement (in kg) and of dry sand (in cubic meter) respectively required for preparing 1 cubic meter of wet cement mortar of 1 : 5 proportion?
The timber preservative “creosote” belongs to the group of:
Which of the following pairs regarding the defects in timber are correctly matched
Select the correct answer using the codes given below
If in a concrete mix, the fineness modulus of coarse aggregate is 6.2, the fineness modulus of fine aggregate is 2.0, and the economical value of the fineness modulus of combined aggregate is 5.2 then the proportion of the fine aggregate is
What is the maximum allowable water absorption (%) of Indian burnt brick of class 20?
Match List – I (Property of cement) with List – II (Testing apparatus) and select the correct answer using the codes given below the lists:
List – I List – II
(Property of cement) (Testing Apparatus )
a) Specific gravity 1. Blaine’s apparatus
b) Setting time 2. Le – Chatelier’s flask
c) Soundness 3. Compressometer
d) Fineness 4. Autoclave
5. Vicat’s apparatus
Toughness index of good building stone should not be less than:
Los Angeles test for aggregates is made to determine the: