For germination of seeds many factors are needed
(i) Nutrients
(ii) Warmth
(iii) Air
(iv) Water
Dispersal of seeds is important for plant because
(i) To avoid over-crowding, which results in weak plants.
(ii) To prevent seeds being dependent on parent plant
(iii) To ensure the plants of a particular type spread to new area
Which of the following pairs shows the correct match of seed and its means of dispersal.
As a seed germinates and seedling grow-up into young plant the size of the seed leaves gradually become smaller because
Classify the given crops in Rabi and Kharif
(i) Wheat
(ii) Maize
(iii) Bajra
(iv) Gram
Germinating seed has three main parts, cotyledon, radicle and plumule. Which of the following is the correct match of their function?
A seedling of coconut was growing on a sea shore. Which of the mode of dispersal may be utilized for its dispersal
Four statements are given about roots of plant.
(i) Roots absorb water from soil
(ii) Roots hold plant firmly in the soil
(iii) Roots absorb minerals from the soil
(iv) Roots make food for the plant
Q. Which of the above statement(s) is /are correct?
There are different parts of a plant like, seed, stem, leaf and spore. Which of the following is correct statement, regarding them?
Which of the following is a way of vegetative propagation in plant?