Identify what is normative statements concern?
Which of the following statements are positive statements?
(i) India is overpopulated.
(ii) Agricultural income should be taxed.
(iii) Service-class people should be exempted from income tax
(iv) There is tremendous tax evasion in India.
The central problems of an economy arises because of—
The central problems relating to allocation of resources -
The problem of ‘What to produce’ relates to—
The objective of macro-economics is to study about—
Micro economics covers the study of—
(i) Consumer’s behaviour
(ii) Producer’s equilibrium
(iii) Fiscal system of an economy
(iv) Factor pricing
Macro-economics is also known as—
(i) Method of Lumping
(ii) Price Theory
(iii) General equilibrium analysis
(iv) Aggregative Economics
Which of the following is not correct?
A theory may contain all but not one of the following -
A mixed economy to solve its central problems relies on—
In a socialist economy, the basic force of economic activity is profit. This statement is -
The interference of the government is very limited in—
Both private and public sectors exist side by side in which of the following country—
In a competitive economy, the uncrowned king is—