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Practice Test for AILET - 8 - CLAT MCQ

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30 Questions MCQ Test - Practice Test for AILET - 8

Practice Test for AILET - 8 for CLAT 2025 is part of CLAT preparation. The Practice Test for AILET - 8 questions and answers have been prepared according to the CLAT exam syllabus.The Practice Test for AILET - 8 MCQs are made for CLAT 2025 Exam. Find important definitions, questions, notes, meanings, examples, exercises, MCQs and online tests for Practice Test for AILET - 8 below.
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Practice Test for AILET - 8 - Question 1

In each of the following question, out of the given group of wordings, choose one inappropriately spelled.

Detailed Solution for Practice Test for AILET - 8 - Question 1

the correct word is - Bilious which means affected by nausea or vomiting. Baroque means something  irregular in shape. Brandish is to flaunt or display.

Practice Test for AILET - 8 - Question 2

In each of the following question, out of the given group of wordings, choose one inappropriately spelled.

Detailed Solution for Practice Test for AILET - 8 - Question 2

The correct spelling is - Blubber, which means the fat of sea animals especially whales and seals.
Bleary is unclear.
Babble inarticulate or imperfect speech.
Bellicose is eager to fight.

Practice Test for AILET - 8 - Question 3

In each of the following question, out of the given group of wordings, choose one inappropriately spelled.

Detailed Solution for Practice Test for AILET - 8 - Question 3

The correct spelling is - Beatific , which means feeling or expressing blissful happiness.
Bromide is a platitude or trite saying.
Brevity is the quality of being brief.
Ballast is any heavy material carried temporarily or permanently in a vessel to provide desired draft and stability.

Practice Test for AILET - 8 - Question 4

In each of the following question, out of the given group of wordings, choose one inappropriately spelled.

Detailed Solution for Practice Test for AILET - 8 - Question 4

the correct spelling is - Braggadocio, which means boastful or arrogant behaviour.
Benign is kind.
Blase is indifferent to or bored with life; unimpressed, as or as if from an excess of worldly pleasures.
Brusque is  abrupt in manner; blunt; rough:

Practice Test for AILET - 8 - Question 5

In each of the following question, out of the given group of wordings, choose one inappropriately spelled.

Detailed Solution for Practice Test for AILET - 8 - Question 5

The correct spelling is - Barrister, which means a person called to the bar and entiled to practise as an advocate. Banister is the structure formed by the uprights and handrail at the side of a staircase.Bacchanal is  a wild and drunken celebration. Bacillus is a disease-causing bacterium.

Practice Test for AILET - 8 - Question 6

Choose the most logical order of sentences from among the given choices to construct a coherent paragraph.

A. And that the pursuit of money by whatever design within the law is always benign.
B. And it holds broadly that the greater the amount of money, the greater the intelligence.
C. This is the institutional truth of Wall Street, this you will be required to believe.
D. The institutional truth of the financial world holds that association with money implies intelligence

Detailed Solution for Practice Test for AILET - 8 - Question 6

Line D introduces the ‘institutional truth' of the financial world and mentions the association with  money and intelligence.This is further elabortaed in optionB(broadly that the greater the amount of money, the greater the intelligence).This makes D&B a logical pair.Similarly,Line A mentions how  money is always welcomed and this is concluded in line C(institutional truth of Wall Street, this you will be required to believe.).So the correct sequence will be DBAC.

Practice Test for AILET - 8 - Question 7

Choose the most logical order of sentences from among the given choices to construct a coherent paragraph.

A. Then think of by how much our advertising could increase the sales level.
B. Advertising effectiveness can be best grasped intuitively on a per capita basis.
C. Overall effectiveness is easily calculated by considering the number of buyers and the cost of advertising.
D. Think of how much of our brand the average individual is buying now.

Detailed Solution for Practice Test for AILET - 8 - Question 7

Line B introduces the concept of "advertising effectiveness",so it will be the opening line.Line C will form a logical pair as it further explains how the  overall effectiveness can be measured or calculated with respect to the response(in terms of buyers and the cost of advertising).Further, line D  describes how the popularity  of a brand is judged with the no.of average buyers.As line A is the solution seeked by the companies who try to make their advertising impactful in order to stake up their sales.So,it will be the concluding line.The correct sequence will be BCDA.

Practice Test for AILET - 8 - Question 8

Choose the most logical order of sentences from among the given choices to construct a coherent paragraph.

A. The age of pragmatism is here, whether we like it or not.
B. The staple rhetoric that was for so long dished out also belongs to the bipolar world of yesterday.
C. The old equations, based on the cold war and on non-alignment no longer holds good.
D. But contrary to much of what is being said and written, it is a multipolar rather than unipolar world that appears to be emerging out of recent events.

Detailed Solution for Practice Test for AILET - 8 - Question 8

A. introduces the age of pragmatism as the topic of the passage Line C will form a pair as it explains what has changed in the new age with respect to the old equations.(Line A&Line C )Line B explains the characteristic of the old world and Line D concludes by presenting a contrast  on the position today(it is a multipolar rather than unipolar world that appears to be emerging out of recent events).So, the sequence will be ACBD.

Practice Test for AILET - 8 - Question 9

Choose the most logical order of sentences from among the given choices to construct a coherent paragraph.

A. Past research has uncovered the fact that cognitive age is inversely related to life satisfaction among the elderly.
B. A person may feel young or old irrespective of chronological age.
C. That is, the ‘younger’ an elderly person feels, the more likely she or he is to be satisfied with life in general.
D. Cognitive age is a psychological construct that refers to one’s subjective assessment of one’s age.

Detailed Solution for Practice Test for AILET - 8 - Question 9

Line D is the opening line as it describes the term "cognitive age ".Line  B further explains the concept in a simplfied manner Line A refers to the how in the past ,reasearches have clearly elaborated on  the fact that cognitive age is inversely related to life satisfaction among the elderly Line C explains the implications of the research.So,the correct sequence will be DBAC

Practice Test for AILET - 8 - Question 10

Choose the most logical order of sentences from among the given choices to construct a coherent paragraph.

A. It was a fascinating tempting green, like the hue of the great green grasshopper.
B. Her teeth were very white and her voice had a cruel and at the same time a coaxing sound.
C. While she was uncorking the bottle I noticed how green her eyeballs were.
D. I saw, too, how small her hands were, which showed that she did not use them much.

Detailed Solution for Practice Test for AILET - 8 - Question 10

The question describes a women  with unusual "eyes" noticed by the author while she was uncorking the bottle.So,line C will be the opening line. Line A further describes the exact shade of green colour (like the hue of the great green grasshopper).SO line C & line A will form a pair. Line D further describes other unusual features of the lady ,which may come as a surprise for the author(I saw, too, how small her hands were, which showed that she did not use them much).Line B further describes her teeth which made a cruel and at the same time a coaxing sound.So, the sequence will be  CADB.

Practice Test for AILET - 8 - Question 11

Complete the sentence by filling in the appropriate blank/blanks from the options provided.The major goals of primary education are achieving basic ……    and ………amongst all pupils, as well as establishing foundations in all subjects.

Detailed Solution for Practice Test for AILET - 8 - Question 11

Primary education is the building block of an education system .It helps the child to achieve his basic literacy and numeracy amongst all students. Option A is inappropriate as illiteracy refers to an uneducated person ,as the question refers to the goal of primary education ,so the given option will be irrelevant in this context. Educated cannot fill the blank so option B is wrong. Also in option D the use of goal will be repetitive.

Practice Test for AILET - 8 - Question 12

Complete the sentence by filling in the appropriate blank/blanks from the options provided.She lived all her life in __________________trying very hard  to make both ends meet.

Detailed Solution for Practice Test for AILET - 8 - Question 12

As the question refers to trying to make both ends meet,it implies that the given protagonist would have lived his/her life in penury or utter poverty. Destitution means utter poverty whereas desolation means loneliness. Also, nefarious means extremely wicked.

Practice Test for AILET - 8 - Question 13

Complete the sentence by filling in the appropriate blank/blanks from the options provided.

Q. An aquatic ecosystem is a system where ………of …………are dependent on each other and on their environment to live in aquatic ecosystems.

Detailed Solution for Practice Test for AILET - 8 - Question 13

An ecosystem is a system formed by the interaction of a community of organisms with their enviornment. It involves various species /communities of organisms that are dependent on each other. So, Option D is the most appropriate .Also, in option A diatribes means a bitter, sharply abusive denunciation, attack, or criticism. Congregation means an assembly of persons brought together for common religious worship.

Practice Test for AILET - 8 - Question 14

Complete the sentence by filling in the appropriate blank/blanks from the options provided.

Q. The _________of the speech was conspicuous enough to let everyone understand the gravity of the situation.

Detailed Solution for Practice Test for AILET - 8 - Question 14

As the question suggests that everyone could understand the gravity of the situation. Option A fits in as tenor means the highest of the adult male voice range; amplitude means the state or quality of being ample, especially as to breadth or width; largeness; greatness of extent or simply 'gist'. Disgruntlement means to put into a state of sulky dissatisfaction; make discontent. Connotation means the suggesting of additional meanings by a word or expression, apart from its literal meaning.

Practice Test for AILET - 8 - Question 15

Complete the sentence by filling in the appropriate blank/blanks from the options provided.

Q. Ramesh was frustrated because, although he was adept at making lies sound_____________ when telling the lies, he___________ the power to make himself to be believed.

Detailed Solution for Practice Test for AILET - 8 - Question 15

The use of “although “ specifies that the two opposite nature words will be used. Plausible means having an appearance of truth or reason ; seemingly worthy of approval or acceptance; credible; believable: a plausible excuse; a plausible plot. Applause means any positive expression of appreciation or approval.Mirage means something illusory, without substance or reality. Mimicry means the act, practice, or art of mimicking. Credible means believable and pragmatic means practical .As ramesh was an expert at making lies sound as real but when telling the truth he lacked the power of making himself sound believable

Practice Test for AILET - 8 - Question 16

In the sentence provided different ways of writing a sentence are indicated. Choose the best way of writing the sentence that is grammatically correct.

Detailed Solution for Practice Test for AILET - 8 - Question 16

It appears in option A and D, history is marginal. But the correct message is 'the history of performance'. Out of options B and C, C is better because it is concise.

Practice Test for AILET - 8 - Question 17

 In the sentence provided different ways of writing a sentence are indicated. Choose the best way of writing the sentence that is grammatically correct.

Detailed Solution for Practice Test for AILET - 8 - Question 17

By including the phrase on the food front, options A and D become too wordy to be right. Option C brings out the contrast by starting the statement with the conjunction although, that's why it is better than option B.

Practice Test for AILET - 8 - Question 18

In the sentence provided different ways of writing a sentence are indicated. Choose the best way of writing the sentence that is grammatically correct.

Detailed Solution for Practice Test for AILET - 8 - Question 18

Options B and D use the expletive forms of the pronoun 'it', that's why these can be negated. Out of A and C, C takes the lead because it is more direct. 

Practice Test for AILET - 8 - Question 19

In the sentence provided different ways of writing a sentence are indicated. Choose the best way of writing the sentence that is grammatically correct.

Detailed Solution for Practice Test for AILET - 8 - Question 19

Option B uses the appropriate degree of politeness.
Choice D is wrong as it does not tell how much milk powder is required.
Options A and C use too many words for showing politeness. 

Practice Test for AILET - 8 - Question 20

In the sentence provided different ways of writing a sentence are indicated. Choose the best way of writing the sentence that is grammatically correct.

Detailed Solution for Practice Test for AILET - 8 - Question 20

Whenever’ implies at any time, hence C is a better choice than D.
Other choices are unnecessarily wordy because they use the pronoun 'there' expletively.

Practice Test for AILET - 8 - Question 21

In each of the following question, out of the given group of wordings, choose one appropriately spelled.

Practice Test for AILET - 8 - Question 22

In each of the following question, out of the given group of wordings, choose one appropriately spelled.

Practice Test for AILET - 8 - Question 23

In each of the following question, out of the given group of wordings, choose one appropriately spelled.

Practice Test for AILET - 8 - Question 24

In each of the following question, out of the given group of wordings, choose one appropriately spelled.

Practice Test for AILET - 8 - Question 25

In each of the following question, out of the given group of wordings, choose one appropriately spelled.

Practice Test for AILET - 8 - Question 26

Read the passage and answer the question based on it.The Chief limitation of natural science is that it is not human. But we have to live with human beings including ourselves- and nearly all the problems of life are human, whereas the problems and subject- matter of physics, chemistry and biology are not. When we enter their laboratories, we find little human there, except ourselves and our fellow-workers. We are in a world of cells, elements, atoms (or whatever substitute for them the latest analysis reveals). There are obvious dangers in living in such a world. It is too unlike the world of men to be a good preparation for it; the fundamental reality in that world is human personality; the ideal society is a community of such personalities, self controlling, and self-developing, self-respecting and respecting others. But natural science is not concerned with personality, at least in this sense and in these relations; and there is a risk that when we return to the human world, we may be inclined to ignore its difference from the laboratory, and even to treat men as if they were elements or cells. It is perhaps their training which explains why some scientists are sympathetic towards communism.
Some people turn to communism because it offers them a positive faith in an age of skepticism, makes their decision for them and, once accepted, relieves them of the painful task of thinking for themselves. Materialistic scientists are attracted to communism for different reason. Its drastic methods resemble those inanimate materials with atoms and cells, manipulating  and controlling them in the interest of a great overriding end. It is this control and manipulation that makes the triumphs of science possible; and it seems natural to apply a similar technique to social and political problems, and so achieve more rapid and effective results than the tedious methods of persuasion allow. This technique appears to offer the quickest way to a better and more rational world, and in so good a cause it seems wrong to be too tender with individual personalities and consciences.

Q. The chief limitation of natural science is that it is

Detailed Solution for Practice Test for AILET - 8 - Question 26

It is clearly mentioned in the first line of the passage.

Practice Test for AILET - 8 - Question 27

Read the passage and answer the question based on it.

The Chief limitation of natural science is that it is not human. But we have to live with human beings including ourselves- and nearly all the problems of life are human, whereas the problems and subject- matter of physics, chemistry and biology are not. When we enter their laboratories, we find little human there, except ourselves and our fellow-workers. We are in a world of cells, elements, atoms (or whatever substitute for them the latest analysis reveals). There are obvious dangers in living in such a world. It is too unlike the world of men to be a good preparation for it; the fundamental reality in that world is human personality; the ideal society is a community of such personalities, self controlling, and self-developing, self-respecting and respecting others. But natural science is not concerned with personality, at least in this sense and in these relations; and there is a risk that when we return to the human world, we may be inclined to ignore its difference from the laboratory, and even to treat men as if they were elements or cells. It is perhaps their training which explains why some scientists are sympathetic towards communism.
Some people turn to communism because it offers them a positive faith in an age of skepticism, makes their decision for them and, once accepted, relieves them of the painful task of thinking for themselves. Materialistic scientists are attracted to communism for different reason. Its drastic methods resemble those inanimate materials with atoms and cells, manipulating  and controlling them in the interest of a great overriding end. It is this control and manipulation that makes the triumphs of science possible; and it seems natural to apply a similar technique to social and political problems, and so achieve more rapid and effective results than the tedious methods of persuasion allow. This technique appears to offer the quickest way to a better and more rational world, and in so good a cause it seems wrong to be too tender with individual personalities and consciences.

Q. In the laboratories, we are in the world of

Detailed Solution for Practice Test for AILET - 8 - Question 27

It is mentioned in the lines “when we ……….reveals”

Practice Test for AILET - 8 - Question 28

Read the passage and answer the question based on it.

The Chief limitation of natural science is that it is not human. But we have to live with human beings including ourselves- and nearly all the problems of life are human, whereas the problems and subject- matter of physics, chemistry and biology are not. When we enter their laboratories, we find little human there, except ourselves and our fellow-workers. We are in a world of cells, elements, atoms (or whatever substitute for them the latest analysis reveals). There are obvious dangers in living in such a world. It is too unlike the world of men to be a good preparation for it; the fundamental reality in that world is human personality; the ideal society is a community of such personalities, self controlling, and self-developing, self-respecting and respecting others. But natural science is not concerned with personality, at least in this sense and in these relations; and there is a risk that when we return to the human world, we may be inclined to ignore its difference from the laboratory, and even to treat men as if they were elements or cells. It is perhaps their training which explains why some scientists are sympathetic towards communism.
Some people turn to communism because it offers them a positive faith in an age of skepticism, makes their decision for them and, once accepted, relieves them of the painful task of thinking for themselves. Materialistic scientists are attracted to communism for different reason. Its drastic methods resemble those inanimate materials with atoms and cells, manipulating  and controlling them in the interest of a great overriding end. It is this control and manipulation that makes the triumphs of science possible; and it seems natural to apply a similar technique to social and political problems, and so achieve more rapid and effective results than the tedious methods of persuasion allow. This technique appears to offer the quickest way to a better and more rational world, and in so good a cause it seems wrong to be too tender with individual personalities and consciences.

Q. Why do people turn to communism?

Detailed Solution for Practice Test for AILET - 8 - Question 28

It is mentioned in the first few lines of the second para.

Practice Test for AILET - 8 - Question 29

Read the passage and answer the question based on it.

The Chief limitation of natural science is that it is not human. But we have to live with human beings including ourselves- and nearly all the problems of life are human, whereas the problems and subject- matter of physics, chemistry and biology are not. When we enter their laboratories, we find little human there, except ourselves and our fellow-workers. We are in a world of cells, elements, atoms (or whatever substitute for them the latest analysis reveals). There are obvious dangers in living in such a world. It is too unlike the world of men to be a good preparation for it; the fundamental reality in that world is human personality; the ideal society is a community of such personalities, self controlling, and self-developing, self-respecting and respecting others. But natural science is not concerned with personality, at least in this sense and in these relations; and there is a risk that when we return to the human world, we may be inclined to ignore its difference from the laboratory, and even to treat men as if they were elements or cells. It is perhaps their training which explains why some scientists are sympathetic towards communism.
Some people turn to communism because it offers them a positive faith in an age of skepticism, makes their decision for them and, once accepted, relieves them of the painful task of thinking for themselves. Materialistic scientists are attracted to communism for different reason. Its drastic methods resemble those inanimate materials with atoms and cells, manipulating  and controlling them in the interest of a great overriding end. It is this control and manipulation that makes the triumphs of science possible; and it seems natural to apply a similar technique to social and political problems, and so achieve more rapid and effective results than the tedious methods of persuasion allow. This technique appears to offer the quickest way to a better and more rational world, and in so good a cause it seems wrong to be too tender with individual personalities and consciences.

Q. The control and manipulation of atoms and cells make

Detailed Solution for Practice Test for AILET - 8 - Question 29

It is mentioned in the sixth line of second paragraph.(It is this control...... .........possible)

Practice Test for AILET - 8 - Question 30

Read the passage and answer the question based on it.

The Chief limitation of natural science is that it is not human. But we have to live with human beings including ourselves- and nearly all the problems of life are human, whereas the problems and subject- matter of physics, chemistry and biology are not. When we enter their laboratories, we find little human there, except ourselves and our fellow-workers. We are in a world of cells, elements, atoms (or whatever substitute for them the latest analysis reveals). There are obvious dangers in living in such a world. It is too unlike the world of men to be a good preparation for it; the fundamental reality in that world is human personality; the ideal society is a community of such personalities, self controlling, and self-developing, self-respecting and respecting others. But natural science is not concerned with personality, at least in this sense and in these relations; and there is a risk that when we return to the human world, we may be inclined to ignore its difference from the laboratory, and even to treat men as if they were elements or cells. It is perhaps their training which explains why some scientists are sympathetic towards communism.
Some people turn to communism because it offers them a positive faith in an age of skepticism, makes their decision for them and, once accepted, relieves them of the painful task of thinking for themselves. Materialistic scientists are attracted to communism for different reason. Its drastic methods resemble those inanimate materials with atoms and cells, manipulating  and controlling them in the interest of a great overriding end. It is this control and manipulation that makes the triumphs of science possible; and it seems natural to apply a similar technique to social and political problems, and so achieve more rapid and effective results than the tedious methods of persuasion allow. This technique appears to offer the quickest way to a better and more rational world, and in so good a cause it seems wrong to be too tender with individual personalities and consciences.

Q. Political and social problems can also be solved with

Detailed Solution for Practice Test for AILET - 8 - Question 30

It is mentioned in the sixth line of the second para.

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