Jack has the following collection of money
How much money Jack has?
Arwin has Rs. 565650 with him. He buys a for Rs. 300000 and spend Rs. 25460 for other purposes. How much money left with him?
Arwin's monthly income is Rs. 48456 and his wife's monthly income is Rs. 45000. If his monthly expenditure is Rs. 70000. How much money does they save in a month?
John has Rs. 2445 with him. He received Rs.2345 Form his father and Rs. 2150 from his mother. Find the total money now Jack has.
John has Rs. 2525 with him. He divided his money into five equal parts. One part he gave to a friend. How much money left with John?
A worker earns Rs.75 every day. He worked 25 days. Out of the money he got in turns of work, he spend Rs. 536 on buying essential articles. How much money did he save?
Christina has Rs.3560 more than the money Jack has. If Jack has Rs. 2465.50, how much money they have together?
Marry distributed some amount of money among 36 peoples equally. Now she is with Rs. 54332. If the total amount of money Marry had Rs. 63152, find the amount of money each people get.