If the cost of 1 packet of TIGER biscuits is × 5, how many packets can I get for × 30 with the FREE OFFER shown here?
If Stands of 30, for which number will
Study the given equations.
If these number sentences are true, which of the following is correct?
Navya wants to read a book which has a total of 340 pages. Of these, 16 pages have only drawings and another 6 pages contain the author's note, contents etc. If each remaining page has around 30 lines of print, what is the total number of lines that Navya has to read?
200 ducks. 5 ponds. How many ducks in one pond?
If the product of all the three numbers in any row, column or diagonal is the same, find the missing number in the given square.
What is the value (137 × 137) − (136 × 136)?
In the given multiplication, the product 11418 is incorrect due to a mistake in one of the digits.
Find the incorrect digit.
Study the following diagram and find the missing term.