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Olympiad Test: Coding – Decoding - 2 - Class 6 MCQ

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20 Questions MCQ Test - Olympiad Test: Coding – Decoding - 2

Olympiad Test: Coding – Decoding - 2 for Class 6 2025 is part of Class 6 preparation. The Olympiad Test: Coding – Decoding - 2 questions and answers have been prepared according to the Class 6 exam syllabus.The Olympiad Test: Coding – Decoding - 2 MCQs are made for Class 6 2025 Exam. Find important definitions, questions, notes, meanings, examples, exercises, MCQs and online tests for Olympiad Test: Coding – Decoding - 2 below.
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Olympiad Test: Coding – Decoding - 2 - Question 1

In a certain code language, if GRAClOUS is written as QFBZNHRT, then how will WONDROUS be written in the same code language?

Detailed Solution for Olympiad Test: Coding – Decoding - 2 - Question 1

We have,

Olympiad Test: Coding – Decoding - 2 - Question 2

In a certain code, FIRE is written as QHOE and MOVE as ZMWE. Following the same rule of coding what should be the code for the word OVER?

Detailed Solution for Olympiad Test: Coding – Decoding - 2 - Question 2

Logic: As per observation, there is no alphanumeric series being followed but we have provided this,


F → Q

I → H

R → O

E → E


M → Z

O → M

V → W

E → E


From the above code we can find that code for ‘OVER’

O → M

V → W

E → E

R → O

Hence, the correct answer is MWEO.

Olympiad Test: Coding – Decoding - 2 - Question 3

If WORK is coded as 4 – 12 – 9 – 16, then how will you code WOMAN?

Detailed Solution for Olympiad Test: Coding – Decoding - 2 - Question 3

Here, each letter is coded by the numerical value obtained by subtracting its ‘position value’ in English alphabetical order, from 27, e g. W, O, R, K are at 23rd, 15th, 18th, and 11th position in alphabetical order. So, their codes are (27–23), (27–15), (27–18), (27–11), i.e., 4, 12, 9, 16 respectively i.e. their backward order position.


W → 4
O → 12
R → 9
K → 16 
By, following the above mention pattern we will get.
W → 4
O → 12
M → 14
A → 26
N → 13

Hence, ‘WOMAN’ is coded as "4-12-14-26-13".

Olympiad Test: Coding – Decoding - 2 - Question 4

If GO = 32, SHE = 49, then SOME will be equal to

Detailed Solution for Olympiad Test: Coding – Decoding - 2 - Question 4

In the given code, Z = 1, Y = 2, X = 3, ……. C = 24, B = 25, Z = 26. 
So, GO = 20 + 12 = 32 and SHE = 8 + 19 + 22 = 49. 
Similarly, SOME = S + O + M + E = 8 + 12 + 14 + 22 = 56. 

Olympiad Test: Coding – Decoding - 2 - Question 5

If ZIP = 198 and ZAP = 246, then how will you code VIP?

Detailed Solution for Olympiad Test: Coding – Decoding - 2 - Question 5

Taking Z = 2, Y = 3, …., N = 14, ……, B = 26, 
A = 27
= (Z + I + P) × 6 = (2 + 19 + 12) × 6 = 33 × 6 
= 198 
= (V + I + P) × 6 = (6 + 19 + 12) × 6 = 37 × 6 
= 222  

Olympiad Test: Coding – Decoding - 2 - Question 6

If MASTER is coded as , then POWDER will be coded as.

Detailed Solution for Olympiad Test: Coding – Decoding - 2 - Question 6

Let A = 1, B = 2, C = 3, ……, Z = 26. Now, M = 13 = 4 (Remainder obtained after dividing by 9).
S = 19 = 1 (Remainder obtained after dividing by 9 twice)
T = 20 = 2 (Remainder obtained after dividing by 9 twice)
(Remainder obtained after dividing by 9)

Olympiad Test: Coding – Decoding - 2 - Question 7

In a certain code, BRAIN is written as * % ÷ # × and TIER is written as $ # + %. How is RENT written in that code?

Detailed Solution for Olympiad Test: Coding – Decoding - 2 - Question 7

Letter : B R A I N T E
Code : ∗  % ÷ # × $ +
The code for RENT is % + × $ 

Olympiad Test: Coding – Decoding - 2 - Question 8

If DELHI is coded as 73541 and CALCUTTA as 82589662, how can CALICUT be coded?

Detailed Solution for Olympiad Test: Coding – Decoding - 2 - Question 8

Letter: D E L H I C A U T
Code: 7 3 5 4 1 8 2 9 6
The code for CALICUT is 8251896. 

Olympiad Test: Coding – Decoding - 2 - Question 9

If NOIDA is written as 39658, how will INDIA be written?

Detailed Solution for Olympiad Test: Coding – Decoding - 2 - Question 9

Letter : N O I D A
Code : 3 9 6 5 8
The code for INDIA is 63568. 

Olympiad Test: Coding – Decoding - 2 - Question 10

If ENGLAND is written as 1234526 and FRANCE is written as 785291, how is GREECE coded?

Detailed Solution for Olympiad Test: Coding – Decoding - 2 - Question 10

Letter: E N G L A D F R C
Code: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
The code for GREECE is 381191.

Olympiad Test: Coding – Decoding - 2 - Question 11

If REQUEST is written as S2R52TU, then how will ACID be written?

Detailed Solution for Olympiad Test: Coding – Decoding - 2 - Question 11

The logic followed here is:

Consonant is coded as +1.

Vowels is coded as their positions value (A = 1, E = 2, I = 3, O = 4, U = 5),

REQUEST is written as S2R52TU:

Similarly, for ACID

So, ACID will be written as 1D3E.

Hence, the correct answer is "Option A".

Olympiad Test: Coding – Decoding - 2 - Question 12

In a certain code, DESK is written as #. 52, RIDE is written as % 7# . how is RISK written in that code?

Detailed Solution for Olympiad Test: Coding – Decoding - 2 - Question 12

According to the question,

'DESK' is coded as '#$52' and 'RIDE' is coded as '%7#$'.


R is coded as %,

I is coded as 7,

S is coded as 5,

D is coded as 2.

So, 'RISK' is coded as %752.

Olympiad Test: Coding – Decoding - 2 - Question 13

In a certain code, EAT is written as 318 and CHAIR is written as 24156. What will TEACHER be written as?

Detailed Solution for Olympiad Test: Coding – Decoding - 2 - Question 13

Letter: E A T C H I R
Code: 3 1 8 2 4 5 6
The code for TEACHER is 8312436.

Olympiad Test: Coding – Decoding - 2 - Question 14

In a certain code, DEAF is written as 3587 and FILE is written as 7465. How is IDEAL written in that code?

Detailed Solution for Olympiad Test: Coding – Decoding - 2 - Question 14

Letter: D E A F I L
Code: 3 5 8 7 4 6
The code for IDEAL is 43586. 

Olympiad Test: Coding – Decoding - 2 - Question 15

If DRIVER = 12, PEDESTRIAN = 20, ACCIDENT = 16, then CAR = ?

Detailed Solution for Olympiad Test: Coding – Decoding - 2 - Question 15

Logic: The number of letters in a word is multiplied by 2 for getting the answer.

For "DRIVER = 12".

The number of letters in "DRIVER" is 6.

So, 6 × 2= 12.

For "PEDESTRIAN = 20".

The number of letters in "PEDESTRIAN" is 10.

So, 10 × 2= 20.

For " ACCIDENT = 16".

The number of letters in "ACCIDENT" is 8.

So, 8 × 2= 16.


For "CAR".

The number of letters in word CAR is 3.

So, 3× 2 = 6.

As the obtained number is "6".

Hence, the correct answer is "6".

Olympiad Test: Coding – Decoding - 2 - Question 16

If ‘Oranges’ are ‘apples’, ‘bananas’ are ‘apricots’, ‘apples’ are ‘chillies’, ‘apricots’ are ‘oranges’ and chillies are ‘bananas’, then which of the following are green in colour?

Detailed Solution for Olympiad Test: Coding – Decoding - 2 - Question 16

The logic followed here is:

So, in general, the color of Chillies are Green.

And, Chillies is called Bananas.

Hence, the correct answer is "Bananas".

Olympiad Test: Coding – Decoding - 2 - Question 17

If ‘sky’ is ‘star ’, ‘star ’ is ‘cloud’, ‘cloud’ is earth, ‘earth’ is ‘tree’ and ‘tree’ is ‘book’, then where do the birds fly?

Detailed Solution for Olympiad Test: Coding – Decoding - 2 - Question 17


‘sky’ → ‘star’,

‘star’ → ‘cloud’,

‘cloud’ → ‘earth’,

‘earth’ → ‘tree’ 

‘tree’ → ‘book’

Logic: the birds fly in the sky, but according to the above coding sky is star.

Hence, star is the correct answer.

Olympiad Test: Coding – Decoding - 2 - Question 18

If ‘blue’ means ‘green’, ‘green’ means ‘white’, ‘white’ means ‘yellow’ means ‘black’, ‘black’ means ‘red’ and ‘red’ means ‘brown’, then what is the colour of milk?

Detailed Solution for Olympiad Test: Coding – Decoding - 2 - Question 18

As given, 'blue' means 'green', 'green' means 'white', 'white' means 'yellow', 'yellow' means 'black, 'black' means 'red', 'red' means 'brown'.

The original colour of milk is white. As per the question, 'white' means 'yellow'. Thus, the colour of milk is yellow.

Hence, the correct answer is 'Yellow'.

Olympiad Test: Coding – Decoding - 2 - Question 19

If ‘eraser ’ is called ‘box’, ‘box’ is called ‘pencil’, ‘pencil’ is called ‘sharpener’ and ‘sharpener’ is called ‘bag’, what will a child write with?

Detailed Solution for Olympiad Test: Coding – Decoding - 2 - Question 19

The logic follows here is:

A child will write with a pencil and the pencil is coded as a sharpener.
Hence, The correct answer is "sharpener".

Olympiad Test: Coding – Decoding - 2 - Question 20

If ‘dust’ is called ‘air ’, ‘air ’ is called ‘fire’, ‘fire’ is called ‘water’, ‘water’ is called ‘colour’, ‘colour’ is called ‘rain’ and ‘rain’ is called ‘dust’, then where do fish live?

Detailed Solution for Olympiad Test: Coding – Decoding - 2 - Question 20

Given that,

dust → air,

air → fire,

fire → water,

water → colour,

colour → rain,

rain → dust.

We know that fish live in water but in the given situation water is called colour then the answer will be fish live in colour.

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