The mass number of an element in a radioactive series is 223. The radioactive series is
A nucleus having mass number A decays by α - emission to the ground state of its daughter nucleus. The Q value of the process is E. The energy of the a - particle is
Assuming that a nucleus is a sphere of nuclear matter of radius 1.2 x A1/3 fm, the average nucleon density in S.l. units is; approximately
The ratio of radii of U238 and He4 nuclei is_______________(upto one decimal place)
Mass of α - particle = 4.002603 amu, mass of proton = 1.007825 amu, mass of neutron = 1.008664 amu. Taking 1 amu = 931 MeV, the binding energy of a-panicle is________(upto two decimal places).
The empirical mass formula (neglecting a term representing the odd-even effect) is
where α, β, γ and ε are constants. The expression for the value of Z which corresponds to the most stable nucleus for a set of isobars of mass number A is
The radius of G e is measured to be twice the radius of 4Be9. The number of nucleons in Ge is
Which one of the following statement regarding neutrino is wrong?
The half life of radon ls 3.8 days. After 15.2 days, N0 /N will be________
The Q-value of the 3H(p,n)3 He reaction is -0.764 MeV. The threshold energy (for appearance of neutrons in the forward direction is___________MeV. (upto two decimal places)
The distance of closest approach of α -particles to the Copper nucleus (Z = 29). when a-particles of 5 MeV energy are scattered back by a thin sheet of Copper, is
Al are mirror nuclei. Tlie former is a position emitter with Emax = 3.48 MeV. The value of radius constant (r0) can be estimated as
The expected value of shell-model quadmpole moment of209Bi. if the ground state spin-parity of209Bi is 9-/2
If the binding energies of the mirror nuclei 21Sc41 and 20Ca41 are 343.143 MeV and 350.420 MeV, respectively. The radii of these nuclei by using the semi-empirical mass formula is__________fm (upto two decimal places)
Using semi-empirical mass formula, the most stable isobar with mass number A = 65. corresponds to
From the shell model prediction, the ground state spin and parity of nuclei, respectively.
The following interactions proceed through the strong, electromagnetic (EM) or weak interactions.
The correct order of interactions is
Which one of the following reaction is NOT forbidden ?
Consider the decay of K° meson of momentum P0 into ,π+ and π- of momenta p+ and p_ m the opposite direction such that p+ = 2p_. The value of p0 is given by
The ground state magnetic moment of 33S16 is_____________μN.(Correct upto two decimal place).