For a circumpolar star, declination must be
For a star at its upper transit, the local sidereal time is equal to
The limiting minimum declination of a circumpolar star having latitude 40° N is
The relationship between tropical year TY and sidereal year SY is
Which one of the following indicates the correct relationship between the flying height (H), the focal length (f), the air base (B) and the photographic base (b)?
Satellite station S is established during a triangulation survey as shown in fig.
The angle α is equal to
Which of the following statements about photogrammetric surveying is correct?
Consider the following statements associated with triangulation survey
1. In triangulation survey unknown distances between stations are determined using tacheometric relations.
2. The triangulation station at which astronomical observations are made for azimuths are called Laplace stations
3. In tertiary triangulation, the length of the sides is in the range of 10 to 25 km
4. The length of the base line in primary triangulation is 8 to 12 km
Of these statements
Given that for a triangulation survey
D = distance in km
h = the visible horizon from a station of known elevation above the datum (in metres) if there is no obstruction due to intervening ground, then h is equal to
The sun’s declination remains north in the period between