Assertion (A): For high power applications, inverters are used instead of transistors.
Reason (R): For high power applications, inverter is operated in active region.
Match List-l (Type of Inverter circuits) with List-ll (Characteristics) and select the correct answer using the codes given below the lists:
A. Voltage Source Inverter
B. 120° Conduction Inverter
C. Current Source Inverter
D. 180°Conduction Inverter
1. Suitable for a load of low leakage impedance
2. Each device turns on at regular interval of 60º
3. Suitable for multi machine control
4. Preferable for a delta connected load
Consider the following statements associated with CSI and VSI:
1. In CSI, commutation is load dependent process.
2. Thyristorised current source fed inverter has inherent four quadrant operation.
3. In VSl dynamic braking is applicable during ac line failure.
4. MOSFET and transistor are more suitable for CSl compared to VSI.
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
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