The energy dissipation at the toe of a spillway is affected basically by the use of hydraulic jump, in
An ogee spillway has a discharge coefficient of 0.720 at the design head Hd. If the actual head of flow over the spillway during a flood was 1.4 Hd, the coefficient of discharge of the spillway at this head would be
The crest profile of an ungated ogee spillway, downstream of the apex under a design head Hd, can be expressed as (y/Hd) = K(x/Hd)n Where the coefficients K and n, for a vertical upstream spillway would, respectively, be
At the foot of a spillway, the jump rating curve is below the tailwater curve at low flows and above it at high flows. The suitable type of energy dissipator for this situation is
In a ski-jump bucket, the lip angle is 30° and the actual velocity of the flow entering the bucket is 30 m/s. The vertical distance of throw of the jet above the lip, in m, is
In a flip bucket (also known as ski-jump bucket) type energy disspator
It is essential to know the air entrainment in flows coming down from very high spillway
Currently, the most commonly used form of vertical lift gates on a spillway crest is
The ideal condition for energy dissipation in the design of spillways is the one when the tail water rating curve
A ski-jump bucket is generally used as an energy dissipator when the tail water