Darcy’s law for flow through soil is valid if Reynold's number is less than
Consider the following statements:
1. Seepage force is applied by flowing water to the soil skeleton through frictional drag.
2. The magnitude of seepage force per unit volume of soil at any point is equal to γw/i, where γw is the unit weight of water and i is the hydraulic gradient at that point.
3. In a soil mass subjected to upward flow of water, quick sand condition develops when pore pressure is equal to the total stress
Which of these statements is/are correct?
Which one of the following explains the flow condition occurring within a soil when its effective pressure is reduced to zero?
A soil has a discharge velocity of 6 x 10-7 m/s and a void ratio of 0.5. Its seepage velocity is
For an anisotropic soil, permeabilities in x and y directions are Kx and Ky respectively in a two dimensional flow. The effective permeability Keq for the soil is given by
To provide safety against piping failure, with a factor of safety of 5, what should be the maximum permissible exit gradient for soil with specific gravity of 2.5 and porosity of 0.35?
During seepage through an earth mass, the direction of seepage is
The upstream slope of an earth dam under steady seepage condition is