The rolled steel section used in a cased beam has width ‘B’ mm and depth ‘D’ mm. The minimum width in mm of the finished cased beam is given by
For a cantilever beam of length L built-in at the support and restrained against torsion at the free end, the effective projecting length l is
If ends are assumed to be fixed, then slenderness ratio for web buckling and diagonal buckling respectively is
d = clear depth of web between roots of fillet
t = web thickness
Under a concentrated load, bearing stress fb in a beam, is given by
In web crippling, the bearing length under reactions at the support is calculated by
b = width of the bearing plate
h = depth of root of the fillet in mm
The area Ap of cover plates in one flange of a built up beam, is given by
In a simply supported beam of span l, each end is restrained against torsion, compression flange being unrestrained. According to IS : 800, the effective length of the compression flange will be equal to
By how much percentage is the permissible stress in a grillage beam be increased if it is encased in concrete