The overall inductance of two coils connected in series, with mutual inductance opposing self-inductance is L1; with mutual inductance aiding self-inductance the overall inductance is L2. The mutual inductance M is given by
In case all the flux from the current in coil-1 links with coil-2, the coefficient of coupling will be
In series circuit shown below, for series resonant frequency of 1 rad/s, the value of coupling coefficient K will be
The equivalent inductance for the following inductive circuit is
The resonant frequency of the given series circuit is
A 3 H inductor has 1000 turns. What should be the number of turns to increase the inductance to 5 H?
What is the equivalent inductance between the terminals A and B for the circuit shown below? (Given, M = 1H)
Assertion (A): To determine the relative polarity of the induced voltage in the coupled coil, the coils are marked with dots.
Reason (R): One each coil, a dot is placed at the terminals which are instantaneously of the same polarity on the basis of mutual inductance alone.
Assertion (A): When a current changes in a circuit, the magnetic fiux linking the same circuit changes and an emf is induced in the circuit.
Reason (R): Mutual inductances is the bilateral property of the linked circuit.
Match List- I (Connection) with List-ll (Equivalent inductance) and select the correct answer using the codes given below the lists: