When did the first census take place in India ?
Which year is called the 'Demographic divide' in India ?
Which period is referred to as the period of population explosion ?
Which is the state with maximum sex ratio in India ?
Which is the state with minimum sex ratio in India ?
The Changing age structure offers a demographic dividend for India. Identify from the following choices, the relevant age range that alllows for demographic dividend.
What are the salient demographic feature of India's Population ?
Thomas Robert malthus most influential writing was titled ________.
According to Malthus, Population growth occurs_________ which means that the population increases according to its birth rate.
Positive checks on population growth can Include:-
Natural Change and _____ are the two factors that affect population change for a particular area.
India has roughly what Percentage of the world's population ?
The establishment of rule by one country over another is understood as
Consider the following statements and indentify the right ones -
(i) According to the Malthusian Theory, supply of food grains increase in geometric progression.
(ii) The population grows in arithmetic progression.
Consider the following statement and identify the right ones -
(i) Malthus supported population control ton ensure balance between population and availability of food grains.
(ii) He advocated 'unethical' means to control population.
Consider the following satement and Indentify the right ones -
(i) According to the theory of demographic transition in the first stage, Birth rate is low but death rate is high.
(ii) The difference between them is high.
Consider the following & Identify the right ones.
(i) In the second stage of demographic transition death rates declines.
(ii) The difference between birth rate & death rate decreases.
Arrange the birthrates of the states in the highest to lowest order.
Which Five year plan stated the objective of stabilizing the population growth to be the central feature of planning ?
The Department of family planning was set - up in __________.