Which among the following are the factors leading to the formation of the Home Rule movement?
1. A section of Nationalist felt that popular pressure was required to attain concessions from the government.
2. The moderates were disillusioned with the Morley Minto reform
3. People were ready to participate in any aggressive movement of protest.
Choose from the following options.
Consider the following statements.
1. Tilak setup his Home Rule League Before Annie Besant's League
2. Tilak's League covered the rest of India (excluding the Bombay city)
Which of these statements is/are correct?
Consider the following statements.
1. The league Campaign aimed to convey to the common man the message of home rule as self-government.
2. It carried a much wider appeal than the earlier mobilizations, but it failed to attract politically backward regions of Gujarat and Sindh.
3. Anglo Indians did not join the movement.
Which of these statements is/are correct?
Why the Home Rule agitation proved to be short-lived?
1. There was a lack of effective organization
2. Besant was unable to give a positive lead
3. Communal riots were witnessed
Which of these statements is/are correct?
Lucknow session of Congress in 1916 was presided by?
Consider the following statements about August declaration of 1917.
1. From now onwards, the demand by Nationalists for self-government for home rule could not be termed as seditious
2. It was clear that now the British had the intention of handing over power to the predominantly elected legislature within Indian majority
Which of these statements is/are correct?
Which of the following statements are correct about Lucknow Pact?
1. The Lucknow Pact demands were just a significantly expanded version of the Morley Minto reforms.
2. The two groups' leaders came together, efforts to bring together the masses from the two committees were not considered.
What were the Indian objections to Montague's statement?
1. Less time was given
2. British would decide what was good and what was bad for Indians
Which of these statements is/are correct?
Which among the following factors facilitated the readmission of extremists to Congress?
1. Both the moderates and extremists realized that the split had led to political inactivity
2. Tilak had declared that he supported the process of the overthrow of the government.
3. Tilak denounced acts of violence
Choose from the following options.
Consider the following statements about Lucknow Pact.
1. In Lucknow Pact, the Congress accepted the Muslim League position on separate electorates
2. The Muslims were also granted fix proportion of seats in the legislature at all India level but not at provincial levels
3. The Muslim League agreed to present joint constitutional demands were the Congress to the government
Which of these statements is/are correct?