Which of the following statements are correct about upsurges during the INA Trials
1. These upsurges were like direct and violent contact with authority
2. The General INA agitation was confined to a few urban centres, but these upsurges were spread to remotest villages
3. Only the more militant section could participate
Choose from the following options.
In the provincial elections, Congress formed government in most provinces except in
1. Bengal
2. Sindh
Choose from the following options.
Consider the following statements about the Muslim League's performance in provincial elections
1. It got a majority in Bengal and Sindh
2. Like in 1937, the league clearly established itself as the dominant party among Muslims
Which of these statements is/are correct?
Consider the following statements about the election campaign of Congress.
1. The election campaign expressed the Nationalist sentiments against the state repression of 1942 Quit India Upsurge
2. This was done by glorifying Martyrs and containing officials
Which of these statements is/are correct?
Consider the following statements about Cabinet Mission.
1 After coming into the agreement on the fundamental issue of Unity or partition between the Congress and League, the cabinet mission put forward its own plan for the Constitutional problem.
2. It rejected the demand for a full-fledged Pakistan because it will create administrative problems
Which of these statements is/are correct?
Consider the following statements about the cabinet mission.
1. It recommended to create a constituent assembly which was to be elected by provincial assemblies by proportional representation
2. This method was based on weightage
Which of these statements is/are correct?
Consider the following statements regarding the proposals of the Cripps Mission.
1. An Indian Union with a dominion status would be set up.
2. After the end of the war, a constituent assembly would be convened with all the members elected by the provincial assemblies.
3. Defence of India would remain in British hands.
Which of the above statements is/are correct?
Consider the following statements about the obstructionist approach adopted by the Muslim League in the constituent assembly.
1. The Muslim League refused to attend informal meetings of the cabinet to make decisions
2. The Muslim League questioned the decisions and appointments made by the Congress members
3. The Muslim League never demanded the dissolution of the constituent assembly but restricted and encumbered the efficient functioning of other Ministries
Choose from the following options.
Consider the following statements about the Indian government
1. Liaqat Ali Khan was the Finance Minister
2. Baldev Singh was the defence minister
3. C Rajagopalachari was the education minister
Which of these statements is/are correct?
Why British withdrawal seem Imminent by 1946?
1. Limitations of the British strategy of conciliation and repression
2. Demoralization among Bureaucracy and the loyalist sections
3. Success of Nationalist forces in the struggle for hegemony
Choose from the following options.