Assertion: If the GDP of the country is rising, the welfare may not rise as a consequence.
Reason: This is because the rise in GDP may be concentrated in the hands of very few individuals or firms.
Select the correct code:
Consider the following statements.
1. Externalities refer to the benefits a firm or an individual causes to another for which they are not paid
2. Externalities have the proper market in which they can be bought and sold
Which of these statements are correct?
In how many ways we can calculate the aggregate value of goods and services produced in the economy?
1. Measuring the aggregate value of factor payments
2. Measuring the aggregate value of goods and services produced by the firms
3. Measuring the aggregate value of spending received by the firms
Which of these statements are correct?
Consider the following statements.
1. The exchanges which take place in the informal sector without the help of money are called barter exchanges
2. Barter exchanges are registered as part of economic activity
Which of these statements are correct?
Consider the following statements.
1. GDP deflator does not include prices of imported goods
2. CPI does not includes prices of goods consumed by the representative consumers
Which of these statements are not correct?
Consider the following statements.
1. Money also acts as a convenient unit of account
2. The value of all goods and services can be expressed in monetary units
3. It is difficult to carry forward one’s wealth under the barter system
Which of these statements are correct?
Consider the following statements.
1. A cashless society describes an economic state whereby financial transactions are connected with money in the form of physical banknotes or coins and through the transfer of digital information between the transacting parties
2. Financial inclusion is seen as a impossible dream because of mobile and smartphone penetration across the country
Which of these statements are correct?
Assertion: When interest rates go up, people become more interested in holding money Reason: A rise in income will lead to rise in demand for money
Select the correct code:
Consider the following statements regarding the commercial banks.
1. They accept deposits from the public and lend out part of these funds to those who want to borrow
2. The interest rate paid by the banks to depositors is higher than the rate charged from the borrowers
Which of these statements are correct?
Consider the following statements.
1. Reserves are deposits which commercial banks keep with the Central bank, Reserve Bank of India and its cash
2. These reserves are kept partly as cash and partly in the form of financial instruments issued by the central government
Which of these statements are not correct?
Consider the following statements.
1. If all the people of the economy increase the proportion of income they save the total value of savings in the economy will not increase
2. People become thriftier they end up saving less or same as before
Which of these statements are not correct?
Consider the following statements.
1. The equilibrium level of output may be more or less than the full employment level of output
2. If it is less than the full employment of output, it is due to the fact that demand is not enough to employ all factors of production
3. This situation is called the situation of deficient demand
Which of these statements are correct?
Consider the following statements.
1. The rate of increase in ex ante consumption due to a unit increment in income is called marginal propensity to consume
2. An increase in autonomous spending causes aggregate output of final goods to decrease by a larger amount through the multiplier process
Which of these statements are correct?
Consider the following statements.
1. Easy availability of credit encourages investment
2. At higher interest rates, firms tend to lower investment
Which of these statements are correct?
Consider the following statements.
1. Those that relate to the current financial year only are included in the revenue account
2. Those that concern the assets and liabilities of the government into the capital account
Which of these statements are correct?
With respect to the difference between private goods and public goods, consider the following statements.
1. The benefits of public goods are available to all and are not only restricted to one particular consumer
2. In case of private goods anyone who does not pay for the goods can be excluded from enjoying its benefits
3. One person’s consumption of a good does not reduce the amount available for consumption for others then it is a public good
Which of these statements are not correct?
Consider the following statements.
1. Public goods may be produced by the government or the private sector
2. When goods are produced directly by the government it is called public provision
Which of these statements are correct?
Consider the following statements.
1. Out of private income, what finally reaches the households is known as personal disposable income and the amount that can be spent is the personal income
2. The government sector affects the personal income of households by making transfers and collecting taxes
3. This activity of the government can change the distribution of income, called as redistribution function
Which of these statements are not correct?
Consider the following statements.
1. There may be times when demand exceeds available output under conditions of low utilisation of labour and economy
2. The intervention of the government whether to expand demand or reduce it constitutes the stabilisation function
Which of these statements are not correct?
Non-tax revenue of the central government mainly consists of:
1. Interest receipts on account of loans by the central government
2. Dividends and profits on investments made by the government
3. Cash grants-in-aid from foreign countries and international organisations
4. Duties levied on goods produced within the country
Choose from the following options.