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Test: Atomic Structure - IIT JAM MCQ

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20 Questions MCQ Test - Test: Atomic Structure

Test: Atomic Structure for IIT JAM 2025 is part of IIT JAM preparation. The Test: Atomic Structure questions and answers have been prepared according to the IIT JAM exam syllabus.The Test: Atomic Structure MCQs are made for IIT JAM 2025 Exam. Find important definitions, questions, notes, meanings, examples, exercises, MCQs and online tests for Test: Atomic Structure below.
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*Multiple options can be correct
Test: Atomic Structure - Question 1

Wave nature of electromagnetic radiation is observed in

1. Diffraction ;

2. Interference ;

3. Photoelectric effect ;

4. Compton scattering.


Detailed Solution for Test: Atomic Structure - Question 1

de Broglie has proposed that like light every elementary particle has dual nature - wave nature and particle nature. Phenomenon such as diffraction and interference are the examples of wave nature of the electromagnetic radiation.
Hence, the correct answers are : (A, B).

Test: Atomic Structure - Question 2

Ionization energy of hydrogen atom in ground state is 13.6 eV. The energy released (in eV) for the third member of Balmer series is


Detailed Solution for Test: Atomic Structure - Question 2

We know that I.E. = 13.6 [1/n12 - l/n 22] ....... (1)

For the third member of Balmer series : n1 = 2 and n2 = 5. Putting these values into the equation (1), we have : E = 13.6 [1/4 - 1/25] = 2.856 eV.

Hence, the correct answer is : B.

*Multiple options can be correct
Test: Atomic Structure - Question 3

The 3pz orbital

1. one radial node ;

2. two radial nodes ;

3. one angular node ;

4. two angular nodes.


Detailed Solution for Test: Atomic Structure - Question 3

 The no. of radial node(s) is given by : (n -1 -1) and the no. of angular node(s) is given by : 1 where, n and 1 are the principal and orbital(azimuthal) quantum nos.
For 3pz orbital, n = 3 and 1=1.
Hence, the no. of radial node(s) = (3 - 1 - 1) = 1 and the angular node(s) = 1.
Hence, the correct answers are : (A, C).

Test: Atomic Structure - Question 4

The maximum of a Ae-[ax2] (A > 0, a > 0) is at x =


Detailed Solution for Test: Atomic Structure - Question 4

Let f(x) = Ae-[ax2] ......... (1) Differentiating equation (1) with respect to x, we have:

df(x)/dx = Ae-[ax2](-2ax) .........(2) Differentiating equation (2), we have : d2f(x)/dx2 = -2aA{e-[ax2] - 2ax} .......... (3)

The maximum will be if df(x)/dx = 0. Hence, Ae- [ax2](-2ax) = 0 or, x = 0

If it is the maximum value, then d2f(x)/dx2 will be negative at x = 0.
Now putting x = 0 at equation (3), we have : d2f(x)/dx2 = -2aA.,

Hence, the correct answer is : A.

Test: Atomic Structure - Question 5

The ground state term for a free ion with 3d7 configuration is


Detailed Solution for Test: Atomic Structure - Question 5

The given electronic configuration is : 3d7. The electron occupancy of 3d orbital is as follows :

Hence, spin, S = 5(+l/2) + 2(-l/2) = 5/2 - 2/2 = 3/2.

So, the spin multiplicity, 2S + 1 = 2.(3/2) +1= 4.

Now, L = 2(+2) + 2(+l) + 1(0) + 1(-1) + 1 (-2) = 3 = ⇒ F.

Lastly, J = |L + S | to | L - S | = | 3 + 3/2 | to | 3 - 3/2 | = 9/2, 7/2, 5/2, 3/2.

According to Hund for the more than half-filled electronic configuration ground-state will be determined by highest J value.

Hence, the ground state term symbol of the element having configuration 1s2 2s2 2p5 is : (2S+1)Lj = 4F9/2. Hence, the correct answer is : B.

Test: Atomic Structure - Question 6

[- h2/(8π2m).d2/dx2 + h2α2x2/(2π2m)].exp(-αx2) = C. h2/(4π2). exp(-αx2), where h, π, m and α are constant. Then C is


Detailed Solution for Test: Atomic Structure - Question 6

Test: Atomic Structure - Question 7

The energy of an electron in a hydrogenic atom with nuclear charge Z varies as :


Detailed Solution for Test: Atomic Structure - Question 7

The energy expression for H-like system having nuclear charge Z is as follows : En = - 2π2mk2Z2e4/n2h2........ (1)

where, m = mass of electron ; Z = nuclear charge of nucleous ; n = Principal quantum number ; h = Planck's constant.
Hence, from the equation (1), we have En ∝ Z2. Hence, the energy of an electron in a hydrogenic atom with nuclear charge Z varies as : Z2.
Hence, the correct answer is : B.

Test: Atomic Structure - Question 8

Identify the correct statement regarding Einstein s photoelectric effect

1. The no. of electrons ejected depends on the wavelength of the incident radiation.

2. Electrons ejection can occur at any wavelength of incident radiation.

3. The no. of electrons ejected at a given incident wavelength depends on the intensity of the radiation.

4. The kinetic energy of the ejected electrons is independent of the wavelength of the incident radiation.


Detailed Solution for Test: Atomic Structure - Question 8

In case of Einstein s photoelectric effect: 1. The no. of electrons ejected is dependent on the intensity of the incident radiation and it is independent of the wavelength (and hence, the frequency of the incident light).

2. The kinetic energy of the emitted electrons is linearly dependent of the wavelength (and hence, the frequency of the incident light) but it is independent of the intensity of the incident radiation.

3. Electrons ejection cannot occur at any wavelength of incident radiation, it can only occur at a particular wavelength. This particular wavelength is called Threshold wavelength. This is different for different metals.
Hence, by considering the above points, one can easily conclude that the no. of electrons ejected at a given incident wavelength depends on the intensity of the radiation.
Hence, the correct answer is : C.

Test: Atomic Structure - Question 9

If ψ is the eigen function to the Hamiltonian operator with a as the eigen value, then α must be


Detailed Solution for Test: Atomic Structure - Question 9

If ψ is the eigen function to the Hamiltonian operator with α as the eigen value, then α must be real.
Hence, the correct answer is : D.

Test: Atomic Structure - Question 10

The acceptable valence shell electronic arrangement is :


Detailed Solution for Test: Atomic Structure - Question 10

According to Hund degenerate orbitals in a subshell will be singly occupied first and if there is excess electrons present, the orbital will be doubly occupied. During the time of singly occupancy by electrons, electrons should have one sided spin i.e. either it will be upward or, it will be downward. On following these rule, one can easily say that C is the acceptable valence shell electronic arrangement.

Hence, the correct answer is : C.

Test: Atomic Structure - Question 11

An electron is found in an orbital with an orbital node and two angular nodes. Which orbital the electron is in?


Detailed Solution for Test: Atomic Structure - Question 11

The no. of radial i.e. orbital nodes = (n-1-1) and the no. of angular nodes = 1. where, n and 1 are the principal and azimuthal (orbital) quantum no.
According to the problem the no. of angular nodes = 2. This correspond to l = 2 i.e. d-orbital and the no. of radial nodes = 1.
Hence, n-1-1 = 1 or, n = 1-1-2 = 4.
Hence, the electron is in the 4d orbital.
Hence, the correct answer is : D.

Test: Atomic Structure - Question 12

For a particle in a cubical box, the total number of quantum no. needed to specify its state are

Detailed Solution for Test: Atomic Structure - Question 12

A cubical box has three dimensions x, y and z. Hence, the total no. of co-ordinates required to specify the its state is 3. Hence, the no. of quantum numbers needed to specify the state of a cubical box are 3.
Hence, the correct answer is : C.

Test: Atomic Structure - Question 13

If the electrons were spin 3/2 particles, instead of spin 1/2, then the no. of electrons that can be accommodated in a level are


Detailed Solution for Test: Atomic Structure - Question 13

If S = 3/2. Then the total orientations will be = +3/2, +1/2, -1/2 and -3/2. Hence, the no. of electrons that can be accommodated in a level will be : 4.
This can also be calculated from the total spin = 2S + 1 = (2 X 3/2 + 1) = 3 + 1 = 4.
Hence, the correct answer is : C.

Test: Atomic Structure - Question 14

The overlap between the atomic orbitals sketched is


Detailed Solution for Test: Atomic Structure - Question 14

The given two orbitals are dxz and pz respectively. Hence, the + ve lobe of dxz orbital will overlap with the + ve lobe of the pz orbital and the - ve lobe of dxz orbital will overlap with the - ve lobe of the pz orbital. Hence, here bonding will occur through the positive overlap.

Hence, the correct answer is : A.

Test: Atomic Structure - Question 15

The normalization constant A for the wave function ψ(φ) = Ae(imφ) where 0 ≤ φ ≤ 2π is


Detailed Solution for Test: Atomic Structure - Question 15

Given that ψ(φ) = Ae(imφ)

Hence, the complex conjugate of ψ(φ) i.e. ψ*(φ) = Ae(imφ)

Hence, the correct answer is : D.

Test: Atomic Structure - Question 16

Which one of the following species is not isoelectronic with CO?


Detailed Solution for Test: Atomic Structure - Question 16

The total no. of electrons in CO = 14.
The total no. of electrons in N2 = 14.
The total no. of electrons in CN+ = 14.
The total no. of electrons in NO+ = 14.
The total no. o f electrons in O2+ = 15.
CO has 14 electrons. N2, CN-, NO+ all these species have 14 electrons. But, O 2+ has 15 electrons. Hence, it is not iso-electronic with CO.
Hence, the correct answer is : D.

Test: Atomic Structure - Question 17

Which of the following figures, showing K.E. of the ejected electron vs. the frequency (v) of the incident photon, represents the Einstein's photoelectric effect?


Detailed Solution for Test: Atomic Structure - Question 17

According to Einstein the total energy of the incident photon, hv = hv0 + K.E. or, K.E. = hv - hv0, where hv0 represent the work function.
Hence, a plot of K.E. vs. v will be as follows:

Hence, the correct answer is : A.

Test: Atomic Structure - Question 18

The wave function for a particle (moving in a ring) is (2π)-1/2 exp(2iφ) , where φ is the polar angle. The probability of finding the particle in a small interval dφ when the value of φ = π/2 is


Detailed Solution for Test: Atomic Structure - Question 18

 Let the given wave function ψ = (2π)-1/2 exp(2iφ). Now, the complex conjugate of the wave function ψ* = (2π)-1/2 exp(-2iφ).
The probability of finding the particle in a small interval dφ when the value of φ = π/2 is = ψψ*dφ = (l/2π) exp(2iφ-2iφ) dφ = dφ/2π. Hence, the correct answer is : B.

Test: Atomic Structure - Question 19

For an electron whose x-positional uncertainty is 10~10 m and the uncertainty in the x-component of the velocity in ms-1 will be in the order of (Data : me = 9 x 10-31 kg, h = 6.6 x 10-34Js)

Detailed Solution for Test: Atomic Structure - Question 19

According to Heisenbergs Uncertainty Principle : 

Hence, the correct answer is : A.

Test: Atomic Structure - Question 20

For H-like atoms, the ground state energy is proportional to

Detailed Solution for Test: Atomic Structure - Question 20

The ground state energy of H-like atoms is given by :

E = - (4π2μk2Z2e4)/(n2h2) (In C.G.S.) (All the terms have their own meaning)

Hence, the energy term involves μZ2 term.
Hence, the correct answer is : C.

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