A free-falling heavy object will have more acceleration than a free-falling light object if released from the same height. (Ignore air resistance)
AC (Alternating Current) response accelerometer cannot measure constant or static acceleration.
What mode should the 3 axis pins of the ADXL-335 be read in, in an Arduino in order to obtain meaningful values?
What will happen if we supply a voltage of 25V to the Vcc of the ADXL-335 sensor?
Which of the formulae give us the value of acceleration for the x-axis in the ADXL-335?
Which of the formulae give us the angle of inclination in the ADXL-335?
Can you measure the acceleration of a train, if the train is moving at a constant velocity and the sensor is located on the train?
The ADXL-335 Accelerometer sensor module uses capacitive technology to detect changes. The Equation governing that function is given by C=f(A/d). What is the meaning of ‘A’ in the equation?
What is the drawback of the code given below?
1. int val, Vref=5;
2. void setup() {
3. Serial.begin(9600);
4. }
5. void loop() {
6. val= (((analogRead(A3) * Vref) / 1024) – 1.65) / 0.330;
7. }