Two cars started simultaneously towards each other and met each other 3 h 20 min later. How much time will it take the slower car to cover the whole distance if the first arrived at the place of departure of the second 5 hours later than the second arrived at the point of departure of the first?
Charlie and Alan run a race between points A and B, 5 km apart. Charlie starts at 9 a.m. from A at a speed of 5 km/hr, reaches B, and returns to A at the same speed. Alan starts at 9:45 a.m. from A at a speed of 10 km/hr, reaches B and comes back to A at the same speed. At what time do Charlie and Alan first meet each other?
Two rabbits start simultaneously from two rabbit holes towards each other. The first rabbit covers 8% of the distance between the two rabbit holes in 3 hours, The second rabbit covered 7 / 120 of the distance in 2 hours 30 minutes. Find the speed (feet / h) of the second rabbit if the first rabbit travelled 800 feet to the meeting points.
Mr. Thomas invested an amount of Rs. 13,900 divided in two different schemes A and B at the simple interest rate of 14% p.a. and 11% p.a. respectively. If the total amount of simple interest earned in 2 years be Rs. 3508, what was the amount invested in Scheme B?
In a company, 20% of the employees work in the manufacturing department. If the total salary obtained by all the manufacturing employees is one-sixth of the total salary obtained by all the employees in the company, then the ratio of the average salary obtained by the manufacturing employees to the average salary obtained by the nonmanufacturing employees is
Directions to solve:
Choose the correct alternative that will continue the same pattern and replace the question mark in the given series.
2, 3, 3, 5, 10, 13, ?, 43, 172, 177
The average weight of 10 men is decreased by 2 kg when one of them weighing 140 kg is replaced by another person. Find the weight of the new person.
A + B means A is the mother of B;
A − B means A is the brother B;
A % B means A is the father of B and
A × B means A is the sister of B,
Which of the following shows that P is the maternal uncle of Q?
Directions: Study the following information carefully to answer the given Questions:
P^Q-P is the child of Q
P!Q-P is the parent of Q
P*Q - P is elder to Q
P#Q-P is younger to Q
P@Q-P is brother of Q
P&Q - P is wife of Q
P+Q-P is sister-in-law of Q
Q. If P*Q^R@S#T*P, the age of Q is 22 years and age of T is 33 years, so what can be the age of P?
Directions: Study the following information carefully to answer the given Questions:
P^Q - P is the child of Q
P!Q - P is the parent of Q
P*Q - P is elder to Q
P#Q - P is younger to Q
P@Q - P is brother of Q
P&Q - P is wife of Q
P+Q - P is sister-in-law of Q
Q. If A!B^C+D&E@F^G!A and G is the wife of H then how is G related to C?
Look at this series: 7, 10, 8, 11, 9, 12, on. What number should come next?
These questions are based on the following information. P, Q, R, S and T sit around a table. P sits two seats to the left of R and Q sits two seats to the right of R.
Q. If a new person U joins the group such that the initial conditions for the seating arrangement should be observed and also a new condition that U does not sit next to R be satisfied, then which of the following statements is true?
The average age of a group of men is increased by 6 years when a person aged 26 years is replaced by a new person of aged 56 years. How many men are there in the group?
Instructions: On the basis of the information given below, answer the questions that follow.
Maruti Suzuki has tie-ups with five dealers in Allahabad to sell their cars. The first pie chart given below gives the dealer-wise break-up of the number of cars sold by Maruti Suzuki in Allahabad in 2015. The second pie chart shows the model-wise breakup of the total cars sold by Maruti Suzuki in 2015 in Allahabad.
Q. If the dealers R and S sold only Zen, Baleno and swift then at least what percentage of the Swifts sold, were sold by these two dealers alone? (Enter only the integer value rounded off to nearest integer. Don’t put % sign)
The sum of the squares of two consecutive positive integers exceeds their product by 91. Find the integers?
A right angled triangle has a height ‘p’, base ‘b’ and hypotenuse ‘h’. Which of the following value can h2 not take, given that p and b are positive integers?
One card is randomly drawn from a pack of 52 cards. What is the probability that the card drawn is a face card(Jack, Queen or King)
Directions: For each of the below questions, identify which option(s) logically follow based on the given statement.
Whenever my mother scolds me, I either hide behind my father or complain to my grandma.
Directions to Solve
In each of the following questions find out the alternative which will replace the question mark.
Question -
At what angle the hands of a clock are inclined at 15 minutes past 5?
Priya can do 1/2 of the work in 8 days, while Preeti can do 1/3 of the work in 6 days. How long will it take for both of them to finish the work?
find the difference between the simple and the compound interest at 5% per annum for 2 years on a principal of Rs. 2000.
What is the simple interest for five years on a sum of Rs. 700 if the rate of interest for the first 3 years is 8% per annum and for another 2 years is 7% per annum?
Two trains 200 m and 150 m long are running on parallel rails at the rate of 40 kmph and 45 kmph, respectively. In how much time will they cross each other, if they are running in the same direction?
It is postulated that huge deposits of NaCI (rock salt) and CaCO3 (chalk and marble) are sites of erstwhile oceans, where the salts had been concentrated through weathering by rain and wind and leaching by rivers. Select the correct explanatory statement in this context.
If log 2 = 0.30103 and log 3 = 0.4771, find the number of digits in (648)5.
A man can cover a distance in 1hr 24min by covering 2/3 of the distance at 4 km/h and the rest at 5km/h. The total distance is