A , B and C are partners in a firm sharing profits in the ratio of 5 : 3 : 2. C died on 31st March 2010. What will be the new ratio of A and B:
Why there is need to calculate New profit share ratio
Loan of the retiring partner is disposed off according to the pre decided terms and conditions among the partners. In such cases interest is credited to the Loan A/c on the basis of the amount outstanding at the beginning of each year and the amount paid is ____to loan A/c.
Retirement or death of a partner will create a situation for the continuing partners, which is known as:
X, Y and Z are partners sharing profits in the ratio of 1/2, 2/5 and 1/10. What will be the new ratio of X and Y after the retirement of Z.
How sacrificing ratio is differ from gaining ratio on the basis of mode of calculation
L, M and N are partners sharing ratio 3:2:1. M died and N the son of M is of the opinion that the rightful owner of his father’s share of profit and the profit of the firm be shared between L and N equally. L does not agree to settle the dispute because there is partnership deed which is showing old profit sharing ratio 3:2:1.
Why is outgoing partner entitled to a share of goodwill of the firm
Which of the following is effect of the retirement of a partner?
A, B and C are partners sharing profit in the ratio of 1/2 : 3/10 : 1/5 .Calculate the new profit sharing ratio between A and C ,If B retires
When Retiring partners balance is treated as loan , in the absence of any information, he will get:
Goodwill given in adjustments (after the balance sheet) will be ____________
L, M and N are partners sharing profit and losses in the ratio of 25:15:9 . M retires. It is decided that the profit sharing ratio between remaining partner will be the same as existing between M and N. Calculate Gaining ratio
M, N and H are partners without partnership deed. M wants to get retired. The profit on revaluation on the date was ` 12000.and other partners N and H want to share this in the new ratio 3:2. M wants this to be shared equally How this profit should be shared
Treatment of General Reserve at the time of retirement is:
Which of the following is not prepared at the time of retirement of a partner?
Which of the following item is not shown in the credit side of deceased partner’s capital account?
If any asset is taken over by a partner at the time of his retirement, how will you record it?
X, Y and Z are partners sharing profits in the ratio of 1/2, 2/5 and 1/10. What will be the new ratio of X and Y after the retirement of Z.