When related sentences are put together to make a sensible message, this is referred to as _________.
Which of the following statements about interpretation of language is correct?
Which of the following statements about Swinney’s 1979 experiment is FALSE?
The common term used to describe all types of language loss is ________.
According to Lakoff, metaphors have a significant influence in how we think and understand our social worlds. Which of the following examples below is not an example of a metaphor?
Research studies that examine people’s responses on the Watson Selection test, the military problem puzzle and speak-aloud protocols have demonstrated that reasoning about problems is strongly influenced by ____________.
Which one of the following statements are true of the Wason Selection, or four-card problem (Wason, 1966)?
All of the following qualities describe reasoning by intuition except for ____________.
While considerable research suggests that human’s exhibit relatively poor reasoning ability, what reasons have been given to be critical of this research?