The earliest kind of print technology was developed in :
The uses of print diversified in urban China by the 17th century. Which of the following statements support the above statement?
Which statement given below is not an explanation of the art form called ‘Ukiyo’?
When and how did the Chinese start handprinting?
China was, for a long time, the major producer of printed material, because :
Who was Kitagawa Utamaro and why is he famous ?
The production of manuscripts became possible in Europe because :
The first to use woodblock printing in Europe were :
The Print Revolution transformed the lives of people by :
‘Tremble, therefore, tyrants of the world! Tremble before the virtual writer.’ Whose words are these and what warning is given through them?
Print culture, according to many historians, made people critical and rational because :
There was a virtual reading mania in European countries at the end of the 18th century because :
New forms of popular literature, targeting new audience at the end of the 18th century, were :
Which of the following statements does not support the view of some historians that Print Culture was the basis for the French Revolution?