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Psychology: CUET Mock Test - 4 - Humanities/Arts MCQ

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30 Questions MCQ Test - Psychology: CUET Mock Test - 4

Psychology: CUET Mock Test - 4 for Humanities/Arts 2025 is part of Humanities/Arts preparation. The Psychology: CUET Mock Test - 4 questions and answers have been prepared according to the Humanities/Arts exam syllabus.The Psychology: CUET Mock Test - 4 MCQs are made for Humanities/Arts 2025 Exam. Find important definitions, questions, notes, meanings, examples, exercises, MCQs and online tests for Psychology: CUET Mock Test - 4 below.
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Psychology: CUET Mock Test - 4 - Question 1

Mindfulness is related to?

Detailed Solution for Psychology: CUET Mock Test - 4 - Question 1

Mindfulness derives from sati, a significant element of Buddhist traditions, and is based on Zen, Vipassanā, and Tibetan meditation techniques.

Psychology: CUET Mock Test - 4 - Question 2

The onset of menstruation in girls is called

Detailed Solution for Psychology: CUET Mock Test - 4 - Question 2

The correct answer is Menarche

Key Points

  • Menarche is defined as the first menstrual period in a female adolescent.
  • Menarche typically occurs between the ages of 10 and 16, with the average age of onset being 12.4 years.
  • Menarche happens during a time of physical and sexual maturation in adolescence known as puberty.
  • It is common for menarche to occur and then for a young girl not to get another period for a few months.
  • This is because it can take a while for the hormone cascade that is responsible for ovulation and regular menstruation to mature.
  • Even if a girl’s menstrual cycles are not regular, they have still passed menarche because they have had their first period.

The Onset of Menarche:

  • The onset of menarche is sort of predictable. Typically menarche will occur about 2 ½ to 3 years after the first appearance of breast buds.
  • The time between breast buds and menarche is when girls may start to have problems with skin breakouts.
  • It is also a time when girls can become moodier and start to talk back to their parents. A girl’s growth spurt typically happens a few months before menarche.
  • Menarche is a normal process of maturation in girls along with the other changes that happen to a girl’s body during puberty.
  • The timing of menarche is important.
  • If a young girl has her first period before the age of 8 she likely has a condition known as precocious puberty. This is not normal and needs further medical attention.
  • If a girl has had an otherwise normal development of her breasts and pubic hair but does not have her first period by the age of 16, she could also have a problem. This is known as delayed menarche or primary amenorrhea.
Psychology: CUET Mock Test - 4 - Question 3

Rods are the receptors for

Detailed Solution for Psychology: CUET Mock Test - 4 - Question 3

The correct answer is Night vision

Key Points

  • The receptors are the sensitive elements that absorb light and start the electrophysiological process that sends visual signals to the brain.
  • Rod Receptors are named for their rod-like shape.
  • These receptor cells are specialized for the night and peripheral vision.
  • Rods are particularly sensitive to dim light, hence their role in night vision.
  • Rod vision provides high sensitivity to light, but with relatively low spatial discrimination and no ability to distinguish different wavelengths of light.
  • This is why they are not capable of detecting different colors.
  • Rods have poor visual acuity, or the ability to distinguish fine detail.
Psychology: CUET Mock Test - 4 - Question 4
Which of the following transmits impulses from cell body to muscle tissue?
Detailed Solution for Psychology: CUET Mock Test - 4 - Question 4

The correct answer is Axon

Key Points

  • Each neuron in our brain has one long cable that snakes away from the main part of the cell.
  • This cable, several times thinner than human hair, is called an axon.
  • Axon, also called nerve fiber, portion of a nerve cell (neuron) that carries nerve impulses away from the cell body.
  • Depending on the type of neuron, axons greatly vary in length - many are just a millimeter or so, but the longest ones, such as those that go from the brain down the spinal cord, can extend for more than a meter.
  • An axon typically develops side branches called axon collaterals, so that one neuron can send information to several others.
  • These collaterals, just like the roots of a tree, split into smaller extensions called terminal branches. Each of these has a synaptic terminal on the tip.
  • Neurons communicate through synapses - contact points between the axon terminals on one side and dendrites or cell bodies on the other.
Psychology: CUET Mock Test - 4 - Question 5
Which of the following is strategy adopted by an individual during the course of acculteration?
Detailed Solution for Psychology: CUET Mock Test - 4 - Question 5

The correct answer is All of these

Key Points

  • Acculturation refers to cultural and psychological changes resulting from contact with other cultures.
  • Contact may be direct (e.g. when one moves and settles in a new culture) or indirect (e.g. through media or other means).
  • It may be voluntary (e.g. when one goes abroad for higher studies, training, job, or trade) or involuntary (e.g. through colonial experience, invasion, political refuge).

The following four acculturative strategies have been derived:

  • Integration: It refers to an attitude in which there is an interest in both, maintaining one’s original culture and identity while staying in daily interaction with other cultural groups.
  • Assimilation: It refers to an attitude, in which people do not wish to maintain their cultural identity, and they move to become an integral part of the other culture.
  • Separation: It refers to an attitude in which people seem to place a value on holding on to their original culture, and wish to avoid interaction with other cultural groups.
  • Marginalization: It refers to an attitude in which there is a little possibility or interest or interest in one’s cultural maintenance and little interest in having relations with other cultural groups.
Psychology: CUET Mock Test - 4 - Question 6
The Recognition process can be
Detailed Solution for Psychology: CUET Mock Test - 4 - Question 6

The correct answer is Both (1) and (2)

Key Points

  • Recognition, in psychology, is a form of remembering characterized by a feeling of familiarity when something previously experienced is again encountered.
  • In such situations, a correct response can be identified when presented but may not be reproduced in the absence of such a stimulus.

Recognition process has

Top-down processing:

  • In top-down processing, perceptions begin with the most general and move toward the more specific.
  • These perceptions are heavily influenced by our expectations and prior knowledge.
  • Put simply, our brain applies what it knows to fill in the blanks and anticipate what's next.
  • Processing information from the top down allows us to make sense of information that has already been brought in by the sense working downward from initial impressions down to particular details.

Bottom-up processing:

  • Bottom-up processing is an explanation for perceptions that start with an incoming stimulus and work upwards until a representation of the object is formed in our minds.
  • This process suggests that our perceptual experience is based entirely on the sensory stimuli that we piece together using only data that is available from our senses.
  • In order to make sense of the world, we must take in energy from the environment and convert it to neural signals, a process known as sensation.
  • It is in the next step of the process, known as perception, that our brains interpret these sensory signals.
Psychology: CUET Mock Test - 4 - Question 7
What is Agoraphobia?
Detailed Solution for Psychology: CUET Mock Test - 4 - Question 7

The correct answer is option 3.

Key Points

  • Specific phobias are the most commonly occurring type of phobia.
  • This group includes irrational fears such as intense fear of a certain type of animal, or of being in an enclosed space.
  • Intense and incapacitating fear and embarrassment when dealing with others characterise social phobias.
  • Agoraphobia is the term used when people develop a fear of entering unfamiliar situations.
  • Many agoraphobics are afraid of leaving their homes. So their ability to carry out normal life activities is severely limited. Hence option 3 is correct.
Psychology: CUET Mock Test - 4 - Question 8
Sudden temporary alterations of consciousness that blot out painful experiences are a defining characteristic of which of the following disorders?
Detailed Solution for Psychology: CUET Mock Test - 4 - Question 8

The correct answer is Dissociative Disorders.

Key PointsDissociative Disorders

  • Dissociation can be viewed as severance of the connections between ideas and emotions.
  • Dissociation involves feelings of unreality, estrangement, depersonalisation, and sometimes a loss or shift of identity.
  • Sudden temporary alterations of consciousness that blot out painful experiences are a defining characteristic of dissociative disorders. Hence option 1 is correct.
  • Four conditions are included in this group: dissociative amnesia, dissociative fugue, dissociative identity disorder, and depersonalisation.

Somatoform Disorders

  • These are conditions in which there are physical symptoms in the absence of physical disease. In somatoform disorders, the individual has psychological difficulties and complains of physical symptoms, for which there is no biological cause. Somatoform disorders include pain.
  • Very often people who have been caught in a natural disaster (such as a tsunami) or have been victims of bomb blasts by terrorists, or been in a serious accident or in a war-related situation, experience post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). PTSD symptoms vary widely but may include recurrent dreams, flashbacks, impaired concentration, and emotional numbing.
  • People affected by the obsessive-compulsive disorder are unable to control their preoccupation with specific ideas or are unable to prevent themselves from repeatedly carrying out a particular act or series of acts that affect their ability to carry out normal activities. Obsessive behaviour is the inability to stop thinking about a particular idea or topic.
Psychology: CUET Mock Test - 4 - Question 9
Which of the following disorder in children include behaviours that are disruptive and often aggressive and aversive to others in the child’s environment?
Detailed Solution for Psychology: CUET Mock Test - 4 - Question 9

The correct answer is Externalising disorders.

Key Points

  • Classification of children’s disorders has followed a different path than that of adult disorders.
  • Achenbach has identified two factors, i.e. externalisation and internalisation, which include the majority of childhood behaviour problems.
  • The externalising disorders, or under-controlled problems, include behaviours that are disruptive and often aggressive and aversive to others in the child’s environment. Hence option 2 is correct.
  • The internalising disorders, or overcontrolled problems, are those conditions where the child experiences depression, anxiety, and discomfort that may not be evident to others.
Psychology: CUET Mock Test - 4 - Question 10
Behaviour that includes aggressive actions that cause or threaten harm to people or animals, non-aggressive conduct that causes property damage, major deceitfulness or theft, and serious rule violations explains which of the following type of disorder?
Detailed Solution for Psychology: CUET Mock Test - 4 - Question 10

The correct answer is Conduct disorder.

Key Points

  • The terms Conduct Disorder and Antisocial Behaviour refer to age-inappropriate actions and attitudes that violate family expectations, societal norms, and the personal or property rights of others. Hence option 1 is correct.
  • The behaviours typical of conduct disorder include aggressive actions that cause or threaten harm to people or animals, non-aggressive conduct that causes property damage, major deceitfulness or theft, and serious rule violations.
  • Autistic disorder or autism is one of the most common of these disorders. Children with autistic disorder have marked difficulties in social interaction and communication, a restricted range of interests, and a strong desire for routine.
  • Separation anxiety disorder is an internalising disorder unique to children. Its most prominent symptom is excessive anxiety or even panic experienced by children at being separated from their parents.
Psychology: CUET Mock Test - 4 - Question 11
Which of the following is not an eating disorder?
Detailed Solution for Psychology: CUET Mock Test - 4 - Question 11

The correct answer is Autistic disorder.

Key Points

  • Another group of disorders which are of special interest to young people are eating disorders.
  • These include anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and binge eating.
    • In anorexia nervosa, the individual has a distorted body image that leads her/him to see herself/himself as overweight. Often refusing to eat, exercising compulsively and developing unusual habits such as refusing to eat in front of others, the anorexic may lose large amounts of weight and even starve herself/himself to death.
    • In bulimia nervosa, the individual may eat excessive amounts of food, and then purge her/ his body of food by using medicines such as laxatives or diuretics or by vomiting. The person often feels disgusted and ashamed when s/he binges and is relieved of tension and negative emotions after purging.
    • In binge eating, there are frequent episodes of out-of-control eating.
  • Autistic disorder or autism: Children with autistic disorder have marked difficulties in social interaction and communication, a restricted range of interests, and a strong desire for routine. About 70 per cent of children with autism are also mentally retarded. Hence option 4 is correct.
Psychology: CUET Mock Test - 4 - Question 12

Which of the following are the example of specific skills?

Detailed Solution for Psychology: CUET Mock Test - 4 - Question 12

The skills that are needed for a specific job are also known as a skill set. When hiring, employers will usually include the skill set required to be able to perform the job in the job posting. The applicants who most closely match the required skills will have the best chance of getting selected for a job interview.

Psychology: CUET Mock Test - 4 - Question 13

Which of the following are not the section of basic skills?

Detailed Solution for Psychology: CUET Mock Test - 4 - Question 13

Specific Skills are those skills which are needed to perform a specific job that requires certain specific compatibilities for that work. Communication skills, Leadership skills, Interview skills all come under specific skills.

Psychology: CUET Mock Test - 4 - Question 14

Which of the following is not the example of general skills?

Detailed Solution for Psychology: CUET Mock Test - 4 - Question 14

Very simply, a skills assessment is an evaluation of an individual’s ability to perform a specific skill or set of skills. Usually, it’s an evaluation of skills specific to a job or role. Ideally, the assessment captures the level of proficiency for each skill, so you know which participants are new to a skill and which have mastered it.

Psychology: CUET Mock Test - 4 - Question 15

The initial step in the listening process is:

Detailed Solution for Psychology: CUET Mock Test - 4 - Question 15

Reception of the stimuli is the first step in the listening process. because the first of all our senses able to receive the stimulus. Attending occurs when you perceive and focus on stimuli. Interpreting involves assigning meaning to sounds and symbolic activity.

Psychology: CUET Mock Test - 4 - Question 16

Which perspective emphasizes that the environment is something to be respected and valued?

Detailed Solution for Psychology: CUET Mock Test - 4 - Question 16

It refers to the view of the environment as something to be respected and valued rather than exploited. Physical environment and human relationship are interdependent. The traditional Indian view about the environment supports spiritual perspective, worshipping Pipal, respect for rivers and mountains. Chipko Aandolan and movement by Bisnoi Community are examples of Indian perspective

Psychology: CUET Mock Test - 4 - Question 17

_______ occurs most readily for strong responses in situations where the presence of others is motivating.

Detailed Solution for Psychology: CUET Mock Test - 4 - Question 17

Social facilitation is a social phenomena in which being in the presence of others improves individual task performance. That is, people do better on tasks when they are with other people rather than when they are doing the task alone.

Psychology: CUET Mock Test - 4 - Question 18

_______ is a process by which information about others is converted into more or less enduring cognitions or thoughts about them.

Detailed Solution for Psychology: CUET Mock Test - 4 - Question 18

In social psychology, a stereotype is a fixed, over generalized belief about a particular group or class of people. By stereotyping we infer that a person has a whole range of characteristics and abilities that we assume all members of that group have. For example, a “hells angel” biker dresses in leather.

Psychology: CUET Mock Test - 4 - Question 19

_______ is the process by which an individual comes to define himself in terms of his nation, social class, religious group etc.

Detailed Solution for Psychology: CUET Mock Test - 4 - Question 19

Social identity is the portion of an individual's self-concept derived from perceived membership in a relevant social group.

Psychology: CUET Mock Test - 4 - Question 20

Feeling of togetherness, that keeps a group intact, is called_____

Detailed Solution for Psychology: CUET Mock Test - 4 - Question 20

More formally, cohesiveness denotes the strength of all ties that link individuals to a group. These ties can be social or task oriented in nature. Specifically, a group that is tied together by mutual friendship, caring, or personal liking is displaying social cohesiveness.

Psychology: CUET Mock Test - 4 - Question 21

The defining characteristic of________ is that they express an evaluation of some object.

Detailed Solution for Psychology: CUET Mock Test - 4 - Question 21

Attitude is a state of the mind, a set of views or thoughts, regarding some topic (called the ‘attitude object’), which have an evaluative feature (positive, negative or neutral quality).

Psychology: CUET Mock Test - 4 - Question 22

In 1957, Leon Festinger published his theory of_____

Detailed Solution for Psychology: CUET Mock Test - 4 - Question 22

Leon Festinger's theory of cognitive dissonance has been widely recognized for its important and influential concepts in areas of motivation and social psychology.

Psychology: CUET Mock Test - 4 - Question 23

_______ is a technique to treat Phobia.

Detailed Solution for Psychology: CUET Mock Test - 4 - Question 23

Systematic desensitisation, or graduated exposure therapy, is a behaviour therapy developed by the psychiatrist Joseph Wolpe. It is used when a phobia or anxiety disorder is maintained by classical conditioning. It shares the same elements of both cognitive-behavioural therapy and applied behaviour analysis.

Psychology: CUET Mock Test - 4 - Question 24

In _______, the aim is establishing a relationship between undesirable behaviour with painful consequences.

Detailed Solution for Psychology: CUET Mock Test - 4 - Question 24

Aversion therapy is a form of psychological treatment in which the patient is exposed to a stimulus while simultaneously being subjected to some form of discomfort.’

Psychology: CUET Mock Test - 4 - Question 25

In _______ approach, the therapist uses pointed but friendly questioning to root out depressed people’s faulty, depressogenic cognitions.

Detailed Solution for Psychology: CUET Mock Test - 4 - Question 25

Cognition refers to mental activity including thinking, remembering, learning and using language. When we apply a cognitive approach to learning and teaching, we focus on the understanding of information and concepts.

Psychology: CUET Mock Test - 4 - Question 26

Logotherapy is given by___

Detailed Solution for Psychology: CUET Mock Test - 4 - Question 26

Logotherapy was developed by neurologist and psychiatrist Viktor Frankl and is based on the premise that the primary motivational force of an individual is to find a meaning in life. Frankl describes it as "the Third Viennese School of Psychotherapy" along with Freud's psychoanalysis and Adler's individual psychology.

Psychology: CUET Mock Test - 4 - Question 27

______ is used to describe the unpleasant emotional state that results from blocked goal seeking, rather than the event itself.

Detailed Solution for Psychology: CUET Mock Test - 4 - Question 27

In psychology, frustration is a common emotional response to opposition, related to anger, annoyance and disappointment. Frustration arises from the perceived resistance to the fulfilment of an individual's will or goal and is likely to increase when a will or goal is denied or blocked.

Psychology: CUET Mock Test - 4 - Question 28

The general adaptation syndrome consists of three stages which include____

Detailed Solution for Psychology: CUET Mock Test - 4 - Question 28

This stage is the result of prolonged or chronic stress. Struggling with stress for long periods can drain your physical, emotional, and mental resources to the point where your body no longer has strength to fight stress. You may give up or feel your situation is hopeless.

Psychology: CUET Mock Test - 4 - Question 29

_______ are also major stressors.

Detailed Solution for Psychology: CUET Mock Test - 4 - Question 29

A stressor is an event or situation that causes stress. Just about anything can be a stressor as long as it is perceived as a danger. Frustration and conflict are a type of major stressors.

Psychology: CUET Mock Test - 4 - Question 30

The reaction to external stressors is called____

Detailed Solution for Psychology: CUET Mock Test - 4 - Question 30

Stressors are events that cause our body to give the stress response. Such events include noise, crowding, a bad relationship, or the daily commuting to school or office. The reaction to external stressors is called 'strain'.

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