If N = (11111111)2, then what is the sum of the digits of N?
A is the smallest integer which when multiplied by 3 gives a number made of 5's only. What is the value of C3, if sum of the digits of A is B and sum of the digits of B is C?
ab and cd are 2 two-digit natural numbers. Given that 4b + a = 13k1 and 5d - c = 17k2, where k1 and k2 are natural numbers. Find the largest number that will always divide the product of ab and cd.
Find the last digit of the following expression.
(15)256 + (19)138 + (32)97
Find the value of a in the identity (11100)2 = (1001)a.
A number when divided by 296 leaves the remainder 75. If the same number is divided by 37, then what will be the remainder?
If N = (7p + 4)(5q)(23) is a perfect cube, where p and q are positive integers, then find the smallest possible value of p + q.
There are four prime numbers written in ascending order of magnitude. The product of the first three is 385 and that of the last three is 1001. Find the first number.
What is the greatest positive power of 5 that exactly divides 30!?
How many multiples of 32 are perfect squares, less than 104?
Let A, B and C be positive integers satisfying A < B < C and A + B + C = X. What is the smallest value of X that does not determine A, B and C uniquely?
If, in a number system, 40132 corresponds to 2542 in decimals, find the base of the number system.
Let D be a decimal of the form D = 0.abcdabcdabcd …, where the digits a, b, c and d are integers lying between 0 and 9. At most three of these digits are zero. By what number should D be multiplied so that the result is a natural number?
If abc is a three-digit whole number, such that abc = a3 + b3 + c3. [300 < abc < 400], find the sum of a, b and c.
A number consists of three consecutive digits in order, the one in units place being the greatest of the three. The number formed by reversing the digits exceeds the original number by 22 times the sum of the digits. Find the number.
If the first 100 natural numbers are written side by side to make a big number, how many digits of this number will be even?
For how many integers n, with 10 ≤ n ≤ 100, is n2 + n - 90 divisible by 17?
How many three-digit numbers do not change even if their digits are reversed?
Find the lower of the two successive natural numbers if the square of the sum of those numbers exceeds the sum of their squares by 112.
The product of a two-digit number by a number consisting of the same digits written in the reverse order is equal to 2430. Find the lower number.