Directions: Out of the given alternatives, choose the one which can be substituted for the given set of words.
Something not corresponding to what is suitable
Directions: In the question, there are four sentences. Each sentence has a pair of words/phrases that are italicised and highlighted. Select the most appropriate words or phrases to form grammatically and syntactically correct sentences. Then, from the options given, choose the best one.
a. During their summer vacations, kids are (A) averse / (B) adverse to getting up early and taking a bath.
b. The husband and wife kept sitting on the beach to enjoy the cold (A) barmy / (B) balmy breeze blowing from the sea.
c. At the guest house, the guests were welcomed by a very (A) complaisant / (B) complainant and competent staff.
d. The organisers of the fashion event are looking for a (A) disinterested / (B) uninterested person to judge the event.
Directions: In the question, there are four sentences. Each sentence has a pair of words/phrases that are italicized and highlighted. Select the most appropriate word or phrase to form grammatically and syntactically correct sentences. Then, from the options given, choose the best one.
a. The test takers are awaiting results of their effort with (A) baited / (B) bated breath.
b. In politics it is not uncommon to credit your opponent with having a rotten (A) bourgeois / (B) proletariat mentality.
c. The disease is highly (A) infectious / (B) contagious. So the patient was quarantined and nobody was allowed to touch his fluids and clothes except with gloves on.
d. You ought to catch those indulging in even the mildest of ragging from the (A) scruff / (B) scuff of their necks and throw them out of the hostel.
Directions: Create a word using all the given letters from the jumbled letters and identify its appropriate meaning.
Directions: Create a word using all the given letters from the jumbled letters and identify its appropriate meaning.
Directions: Match each suffix or prefix with its meaning.
Directions: Match each suffix or prefix with its meaning.
Directions: Use the words given in the table below to answer the question.
Complete the crossword using the words from the above table. There are more words than required.
Hints -
1. Very large or enormous
2. (across) Move back or further away from a previous position
3. An extremely small amount
4. Scarcity in amount or quantity
5. To put off to a later time
Directions: Use the words given in the table below to answer the question.
Complete the crossword using the words from the above table. There are more words than required.
Hints -
1. (across) The best or most perfect thing that can exist or be achieved
(down) To be a sign of especially good or bad things in the future
2. A person who is insignificant or is deficient in a particular respect
3. A difficult situation that brings trouble or destruction
4. Conjuring tricks performed as entertainment
Directions: The question has explained the meaning of two words from the table below. Identify the correct matching words from the table.
a. unwilling to change views
b. regular shifts in circumstances