Directions: For the word below, a contextual usage is provided. From the given alternatives, pick the word or phrase that is closest in meaning, in the given context.
Aphid: The aphids usually like to spend their time in and around gardens.
Directions: For the word below, a contextual usage is provided. From the given alternatives, pick the word or phrase that is closest in meaning, in the given context.
Beatitude: The expression of the Madonna in the painting suggests a state of beatitude.
Directions: Choose the option which does not belong to the group.
Directions: Choose the option which does not belong to the group.
Directions: Choose the one that is most similar to the given word.
Directions: Choose the one that is most similar to the given word.
Directions: Choose the one that is most similar to the given word.
Directions: Choose the synonym of the given word.
Directions: Select the word that best represents the given meaning.
Uneasiness due to guilt
irections: Select the word most similar in meaning to the given word.