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Test: Structural Isomerism - JEE MCQ

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18 Questions MCQ Test - Test: Structural Isomerism

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Test: Structural Isomerism - Question 1

Direction (Q. Nos. 1-18) This section contains 18 multiple choice questions. Each question has four
 choices (a), (b), (c) and (d), out of which ONLY ONE option is correct.


How many diffrent alkenes exist for C5H10 which are structural isomeres ?

Detailed Solution for Test: Structural Isomerism - Question 1


 Two times double bond can’t appear as it has asked alkene and not alkadiene. So, these are the only types of alkenes that can be formed which are structural isomers.

Test: Structural Isomerism - Question 2

The molecular formula C5H12 contains how many isomeric alkanes?

Detailed Solution for Test: Structural Isomerism - Question 2

n-pentane, 2-ethylpropane, and 2-methylbutane are the 3 isomeric alkanes of C5H12 (pentane).

Test: Structural Isomerism - Question 3

How many cycloalkene isomers exist for C5H8 which contain at least one methyl locant directly present on the ring? 

Detailed Solution for Test: Structural Isomerism - Question 3

Test: Structural Isomerism - Question 4

 Which of the following compounds will exhibit cis-trans isomerism? 

Detailed Solution for Test: Structural Isomerism - Question 4

The compounds with each doubly bonded carbon attached to two different groups (like Cab=Cab, Cab=Ccd) exhibit geometrical isomerism i.e., cis and trans forms. The geometrical isomerism arises due to restricted rotation of double bond.

However, even though there is restricted rotation for triple bond, alkynes do not exhibit geometrical isomerism, since the triply bonded carbons are attached to one group each only.

Test: Structural Isomerism - Question 5

How many structural isomers exist for C4 H80 which are simultaneously ether? Also there is no atom sp2-hybridised. 

Detailed Solution for Test: Structural Isomerism - Question 5

Correct Answer :- D

Explanation :

Test: Structural Isomerism - Question 6

Organic compound with molecular formula C4H8O2 cannot have the functional group

Detailed Solution for Test: Structural Isomerism - Question 6

Double bond equivalent of the given compound C4H8O2 is 1. So we will have compounds that have either a double bond or a ring. In option c, we have dialdehyde which is a 2 double bond compound. So it is not possible.

Test: Structural Isomerism - Question 7

How many structural isomers are possible with molecular formula C4H10O ?

Detailed Solution for Test: Structural Isomerism - Question 7

The formula that these isomers contain no rings or double bonds. The isomers must be alcohols and ethers.
For The alcohols
1. CH3CH2CH2CH2OH, butan 1-ol
2. CH3CH2CH(OH)CH3, butan-2-ol
3. (CH3)2CHCH2OH, 2-methylpropan-1-ol 
4. (CH3)3COH, 2-methylpropan-2-ol.
Now for the ethers.
5. CH3CH2CH2OCH3, 1-methoxypropane
6. CH3CH2OCH2CH3 , ethoxyethane
7. (CH3)2CHOCH3 , 2-methoxypropane.

Test: Structural Isomerism - Question 8

How many structural isomers are possible for compounds containing C, H and O atoms only with their molar masses 100 as well as the isomers are simultaneously ketones ?

Detailed Solution for Test: Structural Isomerism - Question 8

General formula of ketone = CnH2nO
12x+2x+16 = 100
x = 6
So, the formula of compound is C6H12O. We have to make ketone only. These are as follow

Test: Structural Isomerism - Question 9

For which of the following parameters the structural isomers C2H5OH and CH3OCH3 would be expected to have the same values?

[AIEEE 2004]

Detailed Solution for Test: Structural Isomerism - Question 9

Vapor density = Molecular weight/2

As both the compounds have same molecular weights, both will have the same vapour density. Hence, gaseous density of both ethanol and dimethyl ether would be same under identical conditions of temperature and pressure. The rest of these three properties; Vapour pressure, boiling point and heat of vaporization will differ as ethanol has hydrogen bonding whereas ether does not.

Test: Structural Isomerism - Question 10

Compounds which have same molecular formula but different structural formula is called

Detailed Solution for Test: Structural Isomerism - Question 10

Tert butyl chloride will have mass in decimals (since Cl is its constituent and it has fractional mass), so it will not be considered. In Iso hexane there are 5 different positions, so we can’t get one single monosubstituted alkyl halide.
In neo-hexane, we have 3 different positions for mono substitution, so we can’t get one single monosubstituted alkyl halide.
However in neopentane, we have a single position for substitution. So we can get one single monosubstituted alkyl halide.

Test: Structural Isomerism - Question 11

A monocarboxylic acid is a functional isomer os 

[JEE Main 2013 Online Exam]

Detailed Solution for Test: Structural Isomerism - Question 11

 In ethers, alcohols and amines, there is no double bond. However, esters have one double bond as same as monocarboxylic acid. So monocarboxylic  acid is a functional isomer of ester (only for no. of carbon greater than 2. As we need to have at least 3 carbon atoms to form ester.)

Test: Structural Isomerism - Question 12

In allene (C3H4 ), the type(s) of hybridisation of the carbon atoms is (are) 

[JEE Main 2014 Online Exam]

Detailed Solution for Test: Structural Isomerism - Question 12

We see that there are 2 sp2 hybridised carbon atoms at the extreme of the chain. While the middle carbon atom  is sp hybridised.

Test: Structural Isomerism - Question 13

Which of the following statements are correct?

I. A pair of positional isomers differs in the position of the same functional group.
II. A pair of. structural isomers have the same relative molar mass.
Ill. A pair of functional group isomers belongs to different homologous series. 

Detailed Solution for Test: Structural Isomerism - Question 13

To determine which of the statements are correct, let's analyze each statement one by one.

Step 1: Analyze Statement I
Statement I: A pair of positional isomers differs in the position of the same functional group.

Explanation: Positional isomers are compounds that have the same molecular formula and the same functional group but differ in the position of that functional group within the molecule. For example, consider butanol:
- 1-butanol (C₄H₁₀O) has the hydroxyl (-OH) group on the first carbon.
- 2-butanol (C₄H₁₀O) has the hydroxyl (-OH) group on the second carbon.

Thus, this statement is correct.

Step 2: Analyze Statement II
Statement II: A pair of structural isomers have the same relative molar mass.

Explanation: Structural isomers have the same molecular formula but differ in the connectivity of their atoms. Since they have the same number and types of atoms, their molar masses will be the same. For example, both butanol and isobutanol (C₄H₁₀O) have the same molar mass despite differing structures.

Thus, this statement is correct.

Step 3: Analyze Statement III
Statement III: A pair of functional group isomers belongs to different homologous series.

Explanation: Functional group isomers are compounds that have the same molecular formula but different functional groups. For example, ethanol (C₂H₆O) and dimethyl ether (C₂H₆O) are functional group isomers. They belong to different functional groups but can belong to the same homologous series if they have similar structural features. Therefore, this statement is incorrect.

Test: Structural Isomerism - Question 14

Which of the following statements regarding ethanoic acid and methyl methanoate are correct?
I. They are functional group isomers with molecular fo nula C2H4O2.
II. They belong to different homologous series.
Ill. They have different chemical properties. 

Detailed Solution for Test: Structural Isomerism - Question 14

Methyl methanoate and ethanoic acid are functional group isomers as they have the same molecular formula but the connectivity differs.
Since they have different functional groups, they belong to different homologous series.
Different homologous series have different properties.

Test: Structural Isomerism - Question 15

Which of the following statements concerning 3,4-dibromo-1-pentene and 3,5-dibromo-2-pentene are correct?
(I) They have same molecular formula C5H8Br2
(II) They are positional isomers.
(III) They have similar chemical properties.

Detailed Solution for Test: Structural Isomerism - Question 15

They are positional isomers, hence same molecular formula C5H8Br2. However, they are structure isomers, hence different physical and chemical properties.

Test: Structural Isomerism - Question 16

How many structurral isomers C4H8 have ?

Detailed Solution for Test: Structural Isomerism - Question 16

C4H8 structural isomers are as follow:-

so 5 isomers are possible

Test: Structural Isomerism - Question 17

Which of the following compounds are structural isomers of C5H10O?

I. 2-methyl butanal
II. Propyl ethanoate
Ill. Pentanal 

Detailed Solution for Test: Structural Isomerism - Question 17

Double bond equivalent of C5H10O is 1. So, it will have either a double bond or a ring.So, it may be an aldehyde, ketone, alcohol( carbon chain having double bond) or epoxide.
Propyl ethanoate has 2 oxygen atoms. So, it will never be its isomer. HOwever option a and c will be its isomer as they are aldehyde.

Test: Structural Isomerism - Question 18

Constitutional isomerism is possible in alkenes only if the number of carbon atoms present is 

Detailed Solution for Test: Structural Isomerism - Question 18

The reason behind this is that only for no. of carbon atoms greater or equal to 4, we can make different chains or rings. So, the answer is a

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