The transmission line equations are given by the below set of equations based on the line diagram as given. Identify the missing term marked as ’?’.
Vs = A*Vr + B*Ir
Is = C*Vr + ?*Ir
For a given power system, its zero and maximum regulation will occur at the impedance angle of
The maximum power delivered to the load for short transmission line is at
For a 35 km transmission line having a lumped impedance of the line as 20 ohms, is required to be shown in the ABCD form, it is given as
The sending end active power for a 20 km transmission line with Vs as the sending end voltage and Vr as receiving end voltage, can be given by most appropriately
The receiving end active power for a short transmission line is (where the angles have their usual meanings)
The charging currents due to shunt admittance can be neglected for ______ transmission line?
The maximum real active power delivered to the load is defined most accurately by
If it is tried to represent the active and reactive power on a circle, then the radius would be
The simplified ABCD representation of a 40 km transmission line is best given as