Let defined in the complex plane. The integral ∮c f(z)dz over the contour of a circle c with center at the origin and unit radius is ______.
Let f(z) = if C is a counter clock wise path in the z plane such that |z - i| = 2, then the value of
The value of the integral
evaluated over a counter-clockwise circular contour in the complex plane enclosing only the pole z = i, where i is the imaginary unit, is
The quadratic approximation of (x) = x3 - 3x2 - 5 at the point x = 0 is
The closed loop line integral evaluated counter-clockwise, is
Given z = x +iy, i = √-1 C is a circle of radius 2 with the centre at the origin. If the contour C is traversed anticlockwise, then the value of the integral is ________ (round off to one decimal place.)
Consider the integral
Where C is a counter-clockwise oriented circle defined as |x - i| = 2. The value of the integral is
C is a closed path in the z-plane given by |z| = 3. The value of the integral is
The value of , where C is the boundary of |z - i| = 1, is
The value of along a closed path Γ is equal to (4 π i), where z = x + iy and i = √-1. The correct path Γ is