The amount of heat evolved when 500 cm3 of 0.1 M HCl is mixed with 200 cm3 of 0.2 M NaoH is
A graph of the x component of the electric field as a function of x in a region of space is shown. The Y and Z components of the electric field are zero in this region. If the electric potential is 10 V at the origin, then potential at x = 2.0 m is :
A metallic charged ring is placed in a uniform magnetic field with its plane perpendicular to the field. If the magnitude of field starts increasing with time, then :
The empirical formula of a nonelectrolyte is CH2O. A solution containing 3g of the compound exerts the same osmotic pressure as that of 0.05 M glucose solution. The molecular formula of the compound is
The mass of glucose that should be dissolved in 50 g of water in order to produce the same lowering of vapour pressure as is produced by dissolving 1 g of urea in the same quantity of water is
A bat flies at a steady speed of 4 ms-1 emitting a sound of f = 90 ´ 103 Hz. It is flying horizontally towards a vertical wall. The frequency of the reflected sound as detected by the bat will be _____.
(Take velocity of sound in air as 330 ms-1).
A battery of e.m.f. E has an internal resistance 'r'. A variable resistance R is connected to the terminals of the battery. A current I is drawn from the battery. V is the terminal P.D. lf R alone is gradually reduced to zero, which of the following best describes I and V?
A beam of light of wavelength 600 nm from a distant source falls on a single slit 1mm wide and the resulting diffraction pattern is observed on a screen 2m away. The distance between the first dark fringes on either side of the central bright fringe is _______.
A biconvex lens has a radius of curvature of magnitude 20 cm. Which one of the following options describe best the image formed of an object of height 2 cm placed 30 cm from the lens?
A plano-concave lens is made of glass of refractive index 1.5 and the radius of curvature of its curved face is 100 cm. What is the power of the lens?
Current 'I' is flowing in a conductor shaped as shown in the figure. The radius of the curved part is r and the length of straight portion is very large. The value of the magnetic field at the centre O will be
Two beams of red and violet colours are made to pass separately through a prism of A = 60°. In the minimum deviation position, the angle of refraction inside the prism will be
At distance of 5cm and 10cm outwards from the surface of a uniformly charged solid sphere, the potentials are 100V and 75V respectively. Then
A conducting rod of length l is moved at constant velocity ‘v0’ on two parallel, conducting, smooth, fixed rails, that are placed in a uniform constant magnetic field B perpendicular to the plane of the rails as shown in figure. A resistance R is connected between the two ends of the rail. Then which of the following is are correct :
A battery of e.m.f. E has an internal resistance 'r'. A variable resistance R is connected to the terminals of the battery. A current I is drawn from the battery. V is the terminal P.D. lf R alone is gradually reduced to zero, which of the following best describes I and V?
In the circuit shown, current through the resistance 2 is i1 and current through the resistance 30
is i2. Find the ratio
In the figure shown the switch S1 remains connected for long time and the switch S2 remains opened. Now the switch S2 is closed. Assuming that ε = 10 volt and L = 1H, the magnitude of rate of change of current is 2X (in Amp/sec.) in the inductor just after the switch S2 is closed then find X .
A point source of radiation power P is placed on the axis of completely absorbing disc. The distance between the source and the disc is 2 times the radius of the disc. The force that light exerts on the disc is P/4ac then find a (c = speed of light).
In the figure, a conducting rod of length l = 1 meter and mass m = 1 kg moves with initial velocity u = 5 m/s. on a fixed horizontal frame containing inductor L = 2 H and resistance R = 1 . PQ and MN are smooth, conducting wires. There is a uniform magnetic field of strength B = 1T. Initially there is no current in the inductor. Find the total charge in coulomb, flown through the inductor by the time velocity of rod becomes vf = 1 m/s and the rod has travelled a distance x= 3 meter.
In a YDSE arrangement composite lights of different wavelengths λ1 = 560 nm and λ2 = 400 nm are used. If D = 1m, d = 0.1 mm. If the distance between two nearest completely dark regions is 7X mm then X is :
A unknown liquid has vapour pressure of 76 torr at temperature of 270C. If the enthalpy of vaporization of liquid is 5.52 kcal/mole, then the normal boiling point of liquid will be : [Take ln10 = 2.3 ; R = 2 cal/mole-K]
For a first order reaction, nA → B whose concentration vs time curve is as shown in the figure. If half-life for this reaction is 24 minutes. Find out the value of n.
A body of mass 4 kg is accelerated upon by a constant force, travels a distance of 5 m in the first second and a distance of 2 m in the third second. The force acting on the body is
In the zinc blende structure, zinc ions occupy alternate tetrahedral voids and S2– ions exist as ccp the radii of Zn2+ and S2– ions are 0.83 Å and 1.74 Å respectively. The edge length of the ZnS unit cell is :
A 0.1 M solution of a certain cation will form a precipitate with 0.1 M solution of all these anions ;
OH–, CO32–, Cl– , SO42–. Which cation fits this description ?
A closed organ pipe and an open organ pipe have their first overtones identical in frequency. Their lengths are in the ratio of
A person of mass 60 kg is inside a lift of mass 940 kg and presses the button one control panel. The lift starts moving upwards with an acceleration 1.0 m/s2. If g = 10 ms–2, the tension in the supporting cable is
If Avogadro number NA, is changed from 6.022 × 1023 mol–1 to 6.022 × 1020 mol–1, this would change