Directions: Select the most appropriate word/phrase among the choices to complete the sentence.
You can make your quixotic experiments with someone else, I do not wish to be your ________.
Which of the following combination is incorrect?
If prices reduce by 20% and sales increase by 15%, what is the net effect on gross receipts?
Politicians are elected by the procedure of voting in India. Supposedly they even follow the unethical means of winning elections.
Which of the following is a statement that can be inferred from the facts stated in the above statement?
In a town, 48% people are educated, 51% people are young and 60% are servicemen. 24% are educated and young, 25% are young and servicemen, 27% are educated and servicemen and 5% have all the qualities. If the total number of persons in this town is 300, what is the ratio of those who have exactly two characteristics and those who have only one characteristic?
Which one of the statements is logically valid and can be inferred from the statements given below? There is a cure for this disease now. The medicine required for the cure is still not available in India.
Directions: Read the given context and answer the question that follows.
Most Reality TV shows centre on two common motivators: fame and money. The shows transform waitresses, hairdressers, investment bankers, counsellors and teachers, to name a few, from obscure figures to household names. A lucky few successfully parlay their fifteen minutes of fame into celebrity. The luckiest stars of Reality TV also reap huge financial rewards for acts, including eating large insects, marrying someone they barely know, and revealing their innermost thoughts to millions of people.
Which of the following options best supports the above paragraph?
The given statement is followed by some courses of action. Assuming the statements to be true, decide the correct option.
A world conference on Child Labour was organized in Tokyo. This widely attended conference endorsed the framework on actions for Eradicating Child Labour.
Courses of action :
I) India should suitably implement the action points of this conference
II) India should also immediately organize such types of conferences.
The fuel consumed by a motorcycle during a journey while travelling at various speeds is indicated in the graph below:
The distances covered during four laps of the journey are listed in the table below:
From the given data, we can conclude that the fuel consumed per kilometre was least during the lap
For how many of the given years in the below period total production of the company was more than the average production of the company during 2005-2010?
The velocity error coefficient of a zero order hold system when subjected to a unit ramp signal is _____.
The standard deviations of linear dimensions P and Q are 3?m and 4?m, respectively. When assembled, the standard deviation (in?m) of the resulting linear dimension (P + Q) is _________. (Answer up to the nearest integer)
A digit, 300mV full scale DVM has an accuracy specification of 士 0.3% of reading +4 counts when the meter reads 150mV the error is 士 _____mV. (correct upto 2 decimal places).
A 5 kV/400 V, 75 kVA single-phase transformer has a series reactance of 0.12 pu. The reactance in ohms referred to LV and HV sides of a transformer will be
Two figures a and b are shown below, where N is a resistive network
The voltage across 2.5Ω for figure (c) (in volt) is _____. (Rounded upto 2 decimal places)
A 4-pole, separately excited, wave wound dc machine with negligible armature resistance is rated for 230 V and 5 kW at a speed of 1200 rpm. If the same armature coils are reconnected to form a lap winding, find the rated voltage (in volts) and power (in kW), respectively, at 1200 rpm of the reconnected machine.
(Given: The field circuit is left unchanged.)
If a 3 V battery supplies 5 A of current, then the amount of energy delivered (in kJ) in one hour will be equal to ______.
(Answer up to the nearest integer)
X and Y are two independent random variables with variances 1 and 2, respectively. Let Z = X - Y. The variance of Z is (Answer up to the nearest integer)
Consider a circuit shown in below figure,
The number of min terms present in standard SOP form _____.
is equal to (Answer up to one decimal place)
Consider the transistor circuit shown in below figure.
The average power dissipated for the one cycle of operation in mW is ____________. (Rounded upto 1 decimal place)
The self-inductance of the primary winding of a single phase 50 Hz transformer is 800 mH and that of the secondary winding is 600 mH. The mutual inductance between these two windings is 480 mH. The secondary winding of this transformer is short circuited and the primary winding is connected to a 50 Hz, single phase, sinusoidal voltage source. The current flowing in both the windings is less than their respective rated currents. The resistances of both windings can be neglected. In this connection, what is the effective inductance (in mH) seen by the source?
The open loop transfer function of a unity feedback system from the given bode plot.
Consider the following circuit:
The planner circuits are
The circuit shown below is reciprocal.
The value of ‘a’ is _______. (in integer)
For the circuit shown in the figure, the current I is 3 A.
The power delivered by the dependent current source D (in watts) is _________. (in integer)
The time/div and voltage/div axes of an oscilloscope have been erased. A student connects a 1 kHz, 5 V p-p square wave calibration pulse to channel-1 of the scope and observes the screen to be as shown in the upper trace of the figure. An unknown signal is connected to channel-2 (lower trace) of the scope. If the time/div and V/div on both channels are the same, the amplitude (p-p) and period of the unknown signal are ______ and _____ respectively.
Consider the periodic signal . The average power of x[n] is _____________. (in integer)
For a system with the transfer function the matrix A in the state space form
= AX + Bu is equal to