The given question is followed by two statements: select the most appropriate option that solves the question
Capacity of a solution tank A is 70% of the capacity of tank B. How many gallons of solution are in tank A and tank B?
Tank A is 80% full and tank B is 40% full
Tank A if full contains 14,000 gallons of solution
Which of the following is the antonym of the word SILENCE?
What is the value of the following expression?
Which of the following is the synonym of the word ADMONISH?
From a group of 61 students, each student appears for at least one of the 3 papers i.e.
GATE, ESE or SSC. Out of the students appearing for SSC, the number of students appearing for ONLY SSC is equal to the number of students who also appear for GATE.
The number of students who appear for only GATE is 3 more than the number of students who appear for all 3; number of students appear for ESE alone is higher than the previous number by 5.
If 32 students appear for ESE and 36 students appear for exactly ONE exam, then the number of students appearing for all 3 exams are _____.
Which of the following statements cannot be inferred from the passage?
Not stagnating moment to moment is called achievement. Inward humility is achievement, outward courtesy is virtue. Establishing myriad truth in your nature is achievement; the mind being essentially detached from thoughts is virtue. Not departing from one's essential nature is achievement; acting adaptively without being affected is virtue. Continuity moment to moment is achievement; balance and directness of mental activity are virtue. Refining your own nature is achievement. Refining your own person is virtue.
A water tank of capacity 6000 litres is connected to 2 taps ’A’ and 'B'. Water flows from these 2 taps at 90 litres per minute and 60 litres per minute respectively.
To fill this empty tank, first tap ‘A’ is opened for sometime and once it is closed, tap ‘B’ is opened till the tank is full taking a total of 90 minutes.
What is the difference in the time (in minute) for which the taps are opened to fill the tank.
1/38 + 1/39 + 1/39 + 1/39 is equal to
Which one of the following describes the relationship among the three vectors,
What will be the sum of the factors of 3129?
The circuit below is at steady state
The sum of currents i1 and i2 (in A) is_____
The transition capacitance of a diode is proportional to
The Fourier transform of the signal shown in the following figure is
In the J-K flip-flop, we have J = Q̅ and K = 1 as shown in the figure:
Assuming the flip-flop was initially cleared and then clocked for 6 pulses, the sequence at the Q output will be
A system is described by dy(t)/dt + 3y(t) = x(t) where x(t) is input and y(t) is output. Then the unit step response of the system is
The state space equation of a system is described by
x = Ax + Bu
y = Cx
Where x is state vector, u is input, y is output and A =
A unity feedback is provided to the above system G(s) to make it a closed loop sytem as shown in figure.
For a unit step input r(t), the steady state error in the output will be
The Transfer function in relation to Bode Plot given below is
The Fourier series expansion of a real periodic signal with fundamental frequency f0 is given by gp(t) = . It is given that C3 = 3 + j5. Then, C-3 is
Consider a spring-mass system given as where m stands for mass, c for the damper, and spring labelled as k
In the figure shown above, consider the m= 1 units, k= 6 units, c= 8 units.
Sum of all the poles and zeroes of the transfer function is:
Consider the following circuits:
Full adder
Half adder
JK flip-flop
Which of the above circuits are classified as sequential logic circuits?
The CMOS circuit shown below implements the logic function
Path of a charged particle A that enters in a uniform magnetic field B (pointing into the page) is shown in the figure.
The deflection in the path of the particle shows that the particle is
The circuit shown in figure is best described as a
A J-K flip-flop can be made from an S-R flip-flop by using two additional
A Mealy system produces a 1 output if the input has been 0 for at least two consecutive clocks followed immediately by two or more consecutive 1’s. The minimum state for this system is
Let P and Q be square matrices such that PQ = I, then zero is an eigen value of
The value of ∫c|z|dz, there 'C' is the left half of the unit circle, is
In a discrete-time complex, exponential sequence of frequency ω0 = 1, the sequence is:
Periodic with period 2π/ω0
Non periodic
Periodic for some value of period N
Which of the above statements is/are correct?
A germanium sample at T = 300 K is doped with donor atoms with concentration Nd = 6 x 1018/cm3. At thermal equilibrium, if the intrinsic concentration of the sample is ni = 2.4 x 1013/cm3, then the hole concentration/cm3 is ___ × 106 (Answer up to the nearest integer)