Experia Inc., a pioneer in online retailing in the cosmetics business, does not have a physical presence and sells all its products through its website. While evaluating its various marketing channels, the company discovered that it attracts two times as many visitors for every dollar spent on advertising on Google than on Cosmetico, an online beauty magazine. The company has, therefore, decided to shift some of its marketing funds from the magazine to Google to increase its overall profits.
Which of the following most strongly supports the ability of the company’s plan to increase its profits?
In Tomensville, spending long hours sitting in a sedentary position has been a major cause of neck problems for young adults diagnosed with this health issue. The increased neck problems reported during the last two years must be the result of watching TV for long hours, because two years ago the government of Tomensville had mandated that the chairs provided for workers using computers be ergonomically designed.
Which of the following, if true, most strengthens the argument?
The Environment Protection Agency (EPA) is rigorously working on eradicating the Hemlock Woolly Adelgid (HWA) fungi that has damaged hemlock trees on the east coast of the country. In addition to other steps to eradicate the fungi, the EPA has conducted awareness sessions for hemlock growers on the extent of damage that HWA can cause and given the growers detailed instructions on how to identify and destroy the fungi.
Which of the following, if true, would provide the most support for the prediction that the EPA’s action will have its intended effect?
To boost the sales of its insurance policies, the Geico insurance company has decided to run a promotion wherein the company will offer competitive pricing for car insurance if a new car owner signs a contract to stay with the same company for at least five years. Another condition of the offer will be that changing the insurance policy, which includes using the policy on a different vehicle, in the middle of the contract period will result in heavy fines that will be more than the money the customer would have saved by choosing this insurance in the first place.
Which of the following, if true, most strongly supports the prediction that this promotion will have its intended effect?
Although studies have found bamboo to be a better raw material than cement and mortar for use in the construction industry, as it is cheaper and more environment-friendly, most builders are concerned that home buyers will be resistant to the idea of houses built of bamboo. Nevertheless, experts predict that the use of bamboo in the construction industry will soon see a rapid increase.
Which of the following, if true, most strongly supports the prediction outlined above?
Studies have shown that children with behavioral issues are more likely to commit the same kind of mistakes again when constantly asked not to repeat their past mistakes. An acclaimed study on child psychology hypothesizes that since such children, on being repeatedly reminded of their mistakes, accept that people around them are “used to” a certain behavior from them, they lack the motivation to improve on their behavior, making it difficult for them to break free from the pattern.
Which of the following, if true, best supports the explanation given above for the behavioral pattern observed in such children?
During a recent excavation, fragments of a ceremonial urn dating back around 1500 years were discovered in a New Mexico canyon. Prior to this finding, it was believed that the Pueblo tribes who lived in the area around that time made their pottery by hand. However, further investigation revealed that the light brown clay used to create the urn, popularly known as ‘golden clay,’ could only have been fashioned into an urn with the use of a pottery wheel.
Which of the following, if true, would, together with the information above, provide the best basis for the conclusion that the fragments of the urn are evidence that the Pueblos used the pottery wheel?
The rapid technological progress has caused decline in the value of the unsold products at the end of year at Best Buy, a computer retails store. The Operations Department has determined that this decline in value is caused primarily by the obsolescence of processors and memory chipsets.
The Operations Department has come up with multiple ideas to reduce Best Buy's loss due to unsold inventory. Select the idea that you believe will minimize the loss at Best Buy.
An independent study comparing dispute resolution by the police forces in two countries, one in which the police officers are always armed and others in which police officers do not usually carry any fire-arms, found that the armed police force shot significantly more suspects than the unarmed one. The findings of the study clearly show that regular possession of a fire arm prompts police officers to disregard the use of less harmful alternatives such as tasers, CS spray etc.
Which of the following, if true, most strengthens the above argument?
Many marine organisms defend themselves from predators, using a dark ink-like pigment secreted from an inch-long sac attached to their epidermis. A fossil from the Jurassic period, dated at almost 155 million years old and discovered in the Wiltshire region, contains a perfectly-preserved ink-sac that was probably from a now-extinct species of squid, the Belemnotheutis Antiquus, whose exact origins had not been previously established. Therefore, this form of self-preservation in marine organisms is at least 155 million years old.
Which of the following, if true, most strengthens the conclusion above?
The agricultural market throughout the world is struggling with a significant reduction in the production of rice, and it is feared that demand will far outstrip supply in the coming months. However, Belvania’s export shipments of rice have increased from a total of $21.2 million last quarter to $27.6 million in this quarter. Clearly, Belvania’s production of rice has increased.
Which of the following, if true, most strengthens the argument above?
Government spokesperson: To counter the malnutrition issues caused by insufficient iodine in people’s dietary intake, we plan to provide subsidies for salt manufacturers who opt to manufacture iodized salt, which will replace regular salt. Since many salt manufacturers have already signed up to produce iodized salt under the program, there will be a significant decline in health problems caused by the consumption of non-iodized salt in a few years.
Which of the following, if true, most strongly supports the spokesperson’s conclusion?
Using ratings of more than 15,000 undergraduate students for different introductory level courses, a recently published paper concludes that tenured professors don’t enhance student learning as much as non-tenured professors do. However, concluding that the tenure system (i.e. giving a professor a contractual right to keep the job for life) is counterproductive is clearly unwarranted since ___________________________________
Which of the following, if true, most logically completes the above argument?
Oil Company Spokesperson: Although wind, solar, biofuels and nuclear sources all compete with fossil fuels as primary sources of energy, their contribution to the world’s total energy demand is limited because they are more expensive than fossil fuels and in the case of nuclear, limited by waste and disposal concerns. While we recognize the risks of climate change, we also conclude that the world will continue to demand fossil fuels for a majority of its primary energy supplies for many decades to come.
Which of the following statements, if true, would most strengthen the conclusion of the Spokesperson?
Ferguson’s Disease, a disorder in redwood trees that is marked by a nutrient deficiency, is caused primarily by infestations of the fungus E. Coli but can also be a result of the use of fertilizers, which contain synthetic insecticides. Therefore, fertilizers should only be used on redwood trees when the soil surrounding them is proved to be rich in nutrients.
Which of the following, if true, most strengthens the above argument?
Many stage actors follow a form of method-acting in which the emphasis is on understanding the psychology of the characters being played and keeping in mind how the characters would have reacted in various situations being enacted. In their pre-rehearsal stage, they go to extremes such as living in situations similar to their hypothetical characters’. Therefore, it is highly likely that such actors are very consistent in their initial performance in rehearsals and their final on-stage performance.
Which of the following, if true, most strengthens the above argument?
Manager: A new machine that can bring down our operational costs by 20% has recently been launched in the market. Even though it costs much more to train a person to use this machine than the existing machines, and replacing the machines would lead to some loss in production since employees would be involved in training, the company should switch to the new machines because the savings over a year would more than compensate for the additional training costs for existing employees and the costs because of loss of production.
Which of the following, if true, would most strengthen the manager’s position?
A manuscript of a novel titled The Stanhopes was recently discovered in an eighteenth-century English manor. An expert asked to assess the claim that the manuscript was written by Jane Austen has verified the claim, stating as evidence the fact that the manuscript is written in the form of hand-made booklets that exactly match the type used by Austen to write several of her manuscripts.
Which of the following, if true, most strongly supports the expert’s assessment of the claim?
Evaluating students by assigning individual ranks or percentiles instead of grading them into categories is followed by some schools. Such a system enables schools to help students realize their exact grade point and compete better.
For a school, any of the following is a reason for evaluating students by providing individual rankings EXCEPT:
Until last year, most applicants for the Ivy Arts Scholarship were graduates of the Finesse Talent School. However, last year, due to a decrease in the number of enrolments in the school the year before, Finesse was not able to provide its usual number of applicants for the scholarship. This year, after the aggressive promotional campaign launched by the school, the number of enrolments in the school is expected to go up significantly. Therefore, it is quite likely that Finesse graduates will again be able to dominate the scholarship applications next year.
Which of the following, if true, provides the best reason to believe in the prediction made above?