Historian: The early Egyptian pharaohs spent as much wealth on largely ceremonial and hugely impressive architecture as they did on roads and irrigation systems. This was not mere frivolousness, however, for if people under a pharaoh 's rule could be made to realize the extent of their ruler's mastery of the physical world, their loyalty could be maintained without military coercion.
The claim that early Egyptian expenditure on largely ceremonial architecture was not frivolous plays which one of the following roles in the historian's argument?
The book surpasses all expectations. It goes beyond describing the struggle for survival in the valley; it opens to the Western readers hitherto unknown harsh realities of abject poverty and utter negligence by the local government on key issues such as education, healthcare, and terrorism. Clearly, the book indicates that________.
Which of the following best completes the passage?
Annoyed and unsatisfied with the services provided by banks, a consumer single-handedly created a new banking system. The new system gained popularity rapidly, soon controlling a large portion of the market, and consequently leading to the bankruptcy of a few large banks. These cases of bankruptcy resulted in the unemployment of thousands of people. The government intervened, terminating all business related to the new banking system on the basis of the claim that it was the root of the unemployment, and a potential economic crisis. Nevertheless, in the interests of economic health, this forced closure of the new banking system should be revoked since __________.
Which of the following most logically completes the argument?
Many retailers advertise price-matching policies, such as, “In the unlikely event that you find an identical item that you purchased here offered at a lower price in another store, we promise to refund the difference.” Contrary to what might logically be expected, a recent study finds that the presence of such a policy leads to a decrease in consumer searches when search costs are low (e.g., when multiple competitor stores are clustered in a small area), but an increase in consumer searches when search costs are high. These findings can be explained if a store’s price-matching policies __________.
Which of the following most logically completes the passage?
President of Lazyville: The people of our country love watching movies and frequent the cinemas regularly, an activity that acts as a good source of revenue for our government. Setting up movie rental services within the country would cater to such people who would then have easier access to movies. However, setting up such services wouldn’t be of help to the economy since___________.
Which of the following statements most logically completes the argument?
Which of the following best completes the passage below?
In a survey of 5,000 divorced men, two-thirds admitted that their infidelity played at least a small role in the decision to dissolve the marriage. However, the survey may under report the percentage of men who have committed such an act of dishonesty, because ______________.
An artist must suffer for his art say these successful entrepreneurs who attempt to pass themselves off as artists. They auction off to the highest bidder, usually a fool in his own right, the most mediocre of drawings; and then, from their well-laid tables, they have the unmitigated gall to imply that they themselves.
Choose the answer that best completes the passages.
No one with a serious medical problem would rely on the average person to prescribe treatment. Similarly, since a good public servant has the interest of the public at heart, ________.
Which one of the following statements would most reasonably complete the argument?
Columnist: Some people argue that the government should not take over failing private-sector banks because the government does not know how to manage financial institutions. However, rather than managing a bank's day-to-day operations, the government would just need to select the bank's senior management. Most politicians have never been military professionals, yet they appoint the top military officials entrusted with defending the country at least as great a responsibility as managing a bank.
The columnist's statements, if true, provide a reason for rejecting which one of the following?
Commentator: In the new century, only nations with all the latest electronic technology will experience great economic prosperity. The people in these nations will be constantly bombarded with images of how people in other countries live. This will increase their tendency to question their own customs and traditions, leading to a dissolution of those customs and traditions. Hence, in the new century, the stability of a nation’s cultural identity will likely ______________ .
Which one of the following most logically completes the commentator’s argument?