Bicycle Manufacturer: Switching our focus from building aluminum bicycles to primarily building carbon-fiber bicycles will reduce the time taken by our manufacturing process. Although the initial construction of aluminum bicycle frames was significantly faster and simpler than the construction of carbon-fiber frames, each weld in an aluminum frame then needed to be individually checked for integrity. This required that substantial time be spent on quality control to avoid shipping out any defective frames.
Which of the following would be most useful in evaluating the claim made in the argument?
Most people who betray their country through some form of espionage are driven by irrational desires to feel powerful or important, to seek revenge, or even to take risks. If these people were thinking rationally, they would not be involved in such self-destructive behavior.
The argument above rests on which of the following assumptions?
The simple facts are these: the number of people killed each year by grizzly bears is about the same as the number of people killed by lightning on golf courses. And the number of people killed by lightning on golf courses each year is about the same as the number of people electrocuted by electric blenders. All the horrible myths and gruesome stories aside, therefore, a grizzly bear is in fact about as dangerous as an electric blender or a game of golf.
Which one of the following is an assumption that the author relies upon in the passage?
Addiction to prescribed medications became more and more of a concern for doctors as the twentieth century progressed. As a result of this concern, doctors are now more careful with the prescription of new drugs, especially drugs which may prove addictive. Thus, doctors today try to administer or prescribe less medication than did doctors in the beginning of the twentieth century.
In the argument, the two portions in boldface play which of the following roles?
Science is concerned with claims that can be checked independently and objectively. A claim that an object dropped from a certain height will fall towards the earth with a standard acceleration can be checked repeatedly by different people. If their results differ from the claim, then the statement has been falsified. Hence, the claim itself is scientific.
The two portions in boldface play which of the following roles?
A study of marital relationships in which one partner's sleeping and waking cycles differ from those of the other partner reveals that such couples share fewer activities with each other and have more violent arguments than do couples in a relationship in which both partners follow the same sleeping and waking patterns. Thus, mismatched sleeping and waking cycles can seriously jeopardize a marriage.
Which of the following, if true, most seriously weakens the argument above?
Using broad-spectrum weed killers on weeds that are competing with crops for sunlight, water, and nutrients presents a difficulty: how to keep the crop from being killed along with the weeds. For at least some food crops, specially treated seed that produces plants resistant to weed killers is under development. This resistance wears off as the plants mature. Therefore, the special seed treatment will be especially useful for plants that _______.
Which of the following most logically completes the argument below?
If the minimum wage increases again, MacDowell’s will have to increase the prices it charges for its products. And if that happens, MacDowell’s has a choice: it can spend more on advertising to attract more customers, or its sales and profitability will decrease. But since the extra advertising costs will simply raise total expenses, increasing those costs will still result in an overall decrease in profitability.
Which one of the following conclusions can be logically drawn from the statements above?
Analyst: This corporation is currently putting all its efforts into maximizing short-term profits. Whatever happened to our traditional philosophy of slow, steady growth and emphasis on long-term profitability? One aspect of the problem is seen in simple mathematics. Of our 57 district managers, only 7 have been with the corporation for five years or more. In addition, only 5 of our 16 vice-presidents and only 2 of the 9 members of the board of directors have been with the corporation for five years.
Which of the following conclusions does the author of this passage most probably want the reader to draw?
Hea Sook: One should not readily believe urban legends. Most legends are propagated because the moral lesson underlying them supports a political agenda. People will repeat a tale if it fits their purpose. They may not deliberately spread untruths, but neither are they particularly motivated to investigate deeply to determine if the tale they are telling is true.
Kayla: But people would not repeat stories that they did not believe were true. Therefore, one can safely assume that if a story has been repeated by enough people then it is more likely to be true.
Kayla's reply is most vulnerable to the criticism that it
The passage is primarily concerned with discussing
According to the passage, one way in which Larson's theory and the conventional theory of the formation of the Milky Way galaxy differ is in their assessment of the
Which of the following, if true, would be most useful in supporting the conclusions drawn from recent observations about globular clusters?
The passage provides information to answer which of the following questions?
The passage is primarily concerned with the
The sentence “If proposals for pay cuts … unskilled laborers” serves primarily to
Which of the following best describes a “labor club,” as defined in the passage?
Based on information in the passage, which of the following statements concerning the Alien Land Law of 1913 is most accurate?
Several Issei families join together to purchase a strawberry field and the necessary farming equipment. Such a situation best exemplifies which of the following, as it is described in the passage?
Which of the following most logically completes the argument below?
Which of the following, if it could be carried out, would be most useful in an evaluation of the above hypothesis?
Fast food industry representative: Many people blame fast food alone for the rise in obesity in the United States over the past thirty years. Yet clearly, sedentary lifestyles have also played a major role in this trend. In the past thirty years, the number of people who report exercising less than twice a week has risen sharply, and studies show that a sedentary lifestyle is the most accurate predictor of obesity. In the fast-food industry representative's argument, the portion in boldface plays which of the following roles?