The most important element in partnership is:
The maximum number of partners is mentioned in
In the absence of agreement to the contrary all partners are:
A partner can be expelled if _________________
Death of partner has the effect of ___________
An unregistered firm cannot claim____________
On dissolution the partners remain liable until
Which of the following statements, about the registration of firm, is not true:
As per the accepted view, the registration of the firm is considered complete when.
Which of the following is not disability of an unregistered firm?
Which of the following is not the right of a partner i.e., which he cannot claim as a matter of right?
Which of the following acts are not included in the implied authority of a partner?
After retirement from firm, which of the following partners is not liable by holding out, even if the public notice of retirement is not given?
Which of the following statements is not true about minor’s position as a partner?
The reconstitution of the firm takes place in case
A new partner can be admitted in the firm with the consent of
A partner may retire from an existing firm
A partner may be expelled from the firm on the fulfillment of the condition that the expulsion power is exercised.
A partnership firm is compulsorily dissolved where
On which of the following grounds, a partner may apply to the court for dissolution of the firm?
Suppose you have entered into a partnership agreement with me and the partnershipdeed provides neither for the duration nor for the determination of our partnership.What is the technical expression for this kind of partnership?
A partnership at will is one
1 . Duration not fixed
2 . Duration fixed
3 . Dissolved at any time
4 . Can be dissolved only on the happening of an event