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Test: Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants - 2 - NEET MCQ

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20 Questions MCQ Test - Test: Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants - 2

Test: Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants - 2 for NEET 2025 is part of NEET preparation. The Test: Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants - 2 questions and answers have been prepared according to the NEET exam syllabus.The Test: Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants - 2 MCQs are made for NEET 2025 Exam. Find important definitions, questions, notes, meanings, examples, exercises, MCQs and online tests for Test: Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants - 2 below.
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Test: Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants - 2 - Question 1

Label the part marked with a blue arrow.
Nucellus made up of cushiony cells helps in the nourishment of the embryo sac

Detailed Solution for Test: Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants - 2 - Question 1

  • It’s the nucellus. Nucellus is the place where the embryo sac rests.
  • It is made up of cushiony cells called parenchymatous cells.
  • Nucellus helps in the nourishment of the embryo sac.

Topic in NCERT: Ovule Structure and Development

Line in NCERT: "Enclosed within the integuments is a mass of cells called the nucellus."

Test: Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants - 2 - Question 2

Label the part marked by the blue arrow.

Detailed Solution for Test: Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants - 2 - Question 2

  • They are the 3 mature cells in the embryo sac present opposite to the micropylar end.
  • The function of the antipodal cells is to provide nutrition and nourishment to the embryo sac.

Topic in NCERT: Embryo Sac Structure

Line in NCERT: "Three cells are at the chalazal end and are called the antipodals."

Test: Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants - 2 - Question 3

Identify “A” and “B” in the T.S of mature anther:


Detailed Solution for Test: Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants - 2 - Question 3

The mature anther consists of four microsporangia which contain four layers. The inner most layer is called tapetum that provide nutrient to growing microspores and tissues inside it are called microspore mother cell that produce pollen grain.

Topic in NCERT: Structure of microsporangium

Line in NCERT: "Four wall layers, the epidermis, endothecium, middle layers and the tapetum surround the microsporangium."

Test: Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants - 2 - Question 4

What happen to haploid megaspores formed by megaspore mother cell in an angiospermic plant? 

Detailed Solution for Test: Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants - 2 - Question 4

Each Sporogenous cell under meiotic division to form tetrad of megaspores. The three megaspores degenerate and only one megaspore develops into embryo sac or female gametophyte.

Topic in NCERT: Female gametophyte

Line in NCERT: "one of the megaspores is functional while the other three degenerate. Only the functional megaspore develops into the female gametophyte (embryo sac)."

Test: Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants - 2 - Question 5

A bilobed dithecous anther had 100 microspore mother cells per microsporangium. How many male gametes this anther can produce?  

Detailed Solution for Test: Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants - 2 - Question 5

Each microsporangium has 100 microspore mother cells which by meiosis form 400 microspores ( 100 × 4). In an anther there are four microsporangia , so, total number of microspores will be 4 × 400 = 1600 4 × 400 = 1600 . As each microspore forms one male gametophyte, hence , 1600 male gametophytes can be produced.

Topic in NCERT: Microsporogenesis

Line in NCERT: "Cells of the sporogenous tissue lying in the centre of the microsporangium, undergo meiosis (microsporogenesis) to form tetrads of microspores."

Test: Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants - 2 - Question 6

Pollen grain of large number of species can be stored in:  

Detailed Solution for Test: Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants - 2 - Question 6

Pollen grain consists of hard covering of exine but their viability may lost with time. For Hybridisation pollen grains are collected and stored in liquid nitrogen below -196 degree Celsius temperature.

Topic in NCERT: Pollen Viability and Storage

Line in NCERT: "it is possible to store pollen grains of a large number of species for years in liquid nitrogen (-196°C)."

Test: Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants - 2 - Question 7

Continued self pollination results in

Detailed Solution for Test: Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants - 2 - Question 7

Inbreeding depression is the reduced biological fitness in a given population as a result of inbreeding, or breeding of related individuals. Continued self-pollination reduces the fertility and even productivity of the plant.
Thus, the correct answer is option A.

Test: Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants - 2 - Question 8

Abundant occurrence of fossilized pollen grain is due to resistant: 

Detailed Solution for Test: Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants - 2 - Question 8

Large amount of fossilized pollen grain are found during excavation process of older parts due to tough covering of Sporopollenin that make the outer wall of pollen grain, exine. This substance cannot be hydrolyzed by any enzyme known.

Topic in NCERT: Pollen Grain Structure and Function

Line in NCERT: "The hard outer layer called the exine is made up of sporopollenin which is one of the most resistant organic material known."

Test: Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants - 2 - Question 9

At the _______ end, embryogenesis happens.

Detailed Solution for Test: Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants - 2 - Question 9

  • Embryogeny is the study of the changes that take place when an embryo develops from a zygote.
  • It occurs near the embryo sac’s micropylar end.
  • The nucellus and integuments unite at the base of the ovule, or chalaza, in plants.
  • It can be found on an ovule opposite the micropylar end.
  • Chalaza is the pathway via which plant nutrients are delivered to the nucellus.
  • Three antipodal cells form from the chalazal end of the embryo sac’s cells.

Topic in NCERT: Embryo

Line in NCERT: "Embryo develops at the micropylar end of the embryo sac where the zygote is situated."

Test: Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants - 2 - Question 10

The correct sequence of parts of female reproductive organ in plants

Detailed Solution for Test: Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants - 2 - Question 10

  • Stigma - It is the head of the pistil.
    • It receives pollen, which begins the process of fertilization.
  • Style - It the stalk of the pistil.
    • It is a long, slender stalk that connects the stigma and the ovary. 
    • When pollen reaches the stigma, it begins to grow a tube through the style called a pollen tube, which eventually reaches the ovary.
  • Ovary - It is the base of the pistil.
    • It holds the ovules for fertilization.
  • Thalamus - It is present near the stalk of the flower.
    • It supplies nutrients to the flower.
    • It is a condensed axis of the flower from which all floral parts arise.

Topic in NCERT: The Pistil, Megasporangium (ovule) and Embryo sac

Line in NCERT: "The gynoecium represents the female reproductive part of the flower. Each pistil has three parts, the stigma, style and ovary."

Test: Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants - 2 - Question 11

If an endosperm cell of angiosperm contain 24 chromosome, the number of chromosome in each cell of root is?  

Detailed Solution for Test: Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants - 2 - Question 11

Endosperm cells are triploid as they are formed by triple fission of two polar nuclei and one male gamete. So, haploid cell will contain 8 chromosomes only. Root cells are diploid. Hence root cell will contain 16 chromosomes.

Test: Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants - 2 - Question 12

The meiocyte of an onion plant contains 32 chromosomes. Calculate the number of chromosomes found in its endosperm?

Detailed Solution for Test: Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants - 2 - Question 12

The meiocytecell are diploid so, haploid cell will contain 16 chromosomes. The endosperm cell are formed by fusion of two polar nuclei and one male gametes so, endosperm cells are triploid that will contain 16x3= 48 chromosomes.

Test: Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants - 2 - Question 13

A typical angiospemic embryo sac is though 8 nucleate is 7-celled. 8 nuclei includes______.

Detailed Solution for Test: Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants - 2 - Question 13

The female gametophyte (embryo sac) develops from a single functional megaspore. This megaspore undergoes three successive mitotic divisions to form eight nucleate embryo sacs.

The first mitotic division in the megaspore forms two nuclei. One nucleus moves towards the micropylar end while the other nucleus moves towards the chalazal end. Then, these nuclei divide at their respective ends and re-divide to form eight nucleate stages. As a result, there are four nuclei each at both the ends i.e., at the micropylar and the chalazal end in the embryo sac. At the micropylar end, out of the four nuclei only three differentiate into two synergids and one egg cell. Together they are known as the egg apparatus. Similarly, at the chalazal end, three out of four nuclei differentiates as antipodal cells. The remaining two cells (of the micropylar and the chalazal end) move towards the centre and are known as the polar nuclei, which are situated in a large central cell. Hence, at maturity, the female gametophyte appears as a 7-celled structure, though it has 8 nucleate.

Topic in NCERT: Female gametophyte development

Line in NCERT: "The mature embryo sac is 7-celled and 8-nucleate. At the micropylar end is the egg apparatus consisting of two synergids and an egg cell. At the chalazal end are three antipodals. At the centre is a large central cell with two polar nuclei."

Test: Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants - 2 - Question 14

Match the Column-I to Column-II

Detailed Solution for Test: Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants - 2 - Question 14
  • A. Funicle – V (Stalk of ovule):
    Funicle is the stalk that attaches the ovule to the placenta.

  • B. Hilum – IV (Region where body of ovule fuses with funicle):
    Hilum is the attachment point where the ovule joins with the funicle.

  • C. Integument – III (One or 2 protective layers of ovule):
    Integument forms the protective layer(s) around the ovule to safeguard the embryo sac.

  • D. Chalaza – II (Basal part of ovule):
    Chalaza is the base of the ovule where the integuments and nucellus meet.

  • E. Nucellus – I (Mass of cells within ovule with more food):
    Nucellus is the food-rich tissue inside the ovule that nourishes the embryo sac.

Final Match:

  • A - V, B - IV, C - III, D - II, E - I

Thus, the correct answer is Option B.

Test: Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants - 2 - Question 15

In which of the following plants fruit contain larger number of seed?

Detailed Solution for Test: Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants - 2 - Question 15

The number of ovule present in ovary determine the number of seeds produced inside the fruit. Mango and neem produce single seed in each fruit. Lemon contain a number of seeds but orchid contain many small size seeds.

Test: Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants - 2 - Question 16

Dormancy is the____.

Detailed Solution for Test: Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants - 2 - Question 16

Dormancy is the state of state of inactivity during which metabolic process slows down. Seed may remain viable to several months to years depending upon type of seeds and condition.

Topic in NCERT: Embryo

Line in NCERT: "The general metabolic activity of the embryo slows down. The embryo may enter a state of inactivity called dormancy."

Test: Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants - 2 - Question 17

Match the Following

Detailed Solution for Test: Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants - 2 - Question 17
  1. Sporogenous tissue – III (Formation of microspore tetrad by meiosis):

    • The sporogenous tissue is responsible for undergoing meiosis to form microspores, which eventually lead to microspore tetrads.
  2. Microspore tetrad – II (Microspores arranged in cluster of four cells):

    • A microspore tetrad is a group of four microspores formed after meiosis, arranged in a cluster.
  3. Microsporogenesis – I (Process of formation of microspores from PMC by meiosis):

    • Microsporogenesis is the process of formation of microspores from pollen mother cells (PMC) through meiosis.
  4. Tapetum – IV (Nourishes pollen grains):

    • The tapetum is a nutritive layer that provides nourishment to the developing pollen grains.

Final Match:

  • 1-III; 2-II; 3-I; 4-IV

Thus, the correct answer is Option B.

Test: Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants - 2 - Question 18

From the statements given below choose the option that are not true for a typical female gametophyte of a flowering plant:
(i) It is 8-nucleate and 7-celled at maturity
(ii) It is cellular during the development
(iii) It is situated inside the nucellus
(iv) It has an egg apparatus situated at the chalazal end

Detailed Solution for Test: Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants - 2 - Question 18

(i) It is 8-nucleate and 7-celled at maturity: True. The typical female gametophyte (embryo sac) of flowering plants is 8-nucleate and 7-celled at maturity.
(ii) It is cellular during the development: Not true. The female gametophyte is initially multinucleate (syncytial) and becomes cellular later.
(iii) It is situated inside the nucellus: True. The female gametophyte is located within the nucellus of the ovule.
(iv) It has an egg apparatus situated at the chalazal end: Not true. The egg apparatus is located at the micropylar end, not the chalazal end.
Thus, statements (ii) and (iv) are not true.
Topic in NCERT: female gametophyte

Test: Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants - 2 - Question 19

Which one of the following statements is false in respect of flowering plants?
1. Parthenocarpy can be induced through the application of growth hormones
2. Integuments encircle the ovule except at the tip where a small opening called the germ pore is organized
3. Endosperm development precedes embryo development
4. Apomicts have several advantages in horticulture and agriculture

Detailed Solution for Test: Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants - 2 - Question 19
  • Statement 1:
    Parthenocarpy (the development of fruit without fertilization) can indeed be induced by the application of growth hormones like auxins or gibberellins.
    This statement is true.
  • Statement 2:
    The small opening at the tip of the ovule is called the micropyle, not the germ pore. This terminology is incorrect.
    This statement is false.
  • Statement 3:
    In flowering plants, the development of the endosperm (nourishing tissue) typically begins before the development of the embryo after fertilization.
    This statement is true.
  • Statement 4:
    Apomixis (asexual reproduction without fertilization) has advantages in horticulture and agriculture because it allows for the production of genetically identical plants.
    This statement is true.

Line from Ncert ( Correction for statement 2) Integuments encircle the nucellus except at the tip where a small opening called the micropyle is organised. 

Test: Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants - 2 - Question 20

Find the incorrect statement:
1. A polycarpellary, apocarpous gynoecium is found in Michelia
2. Many ovules are present in an ovary of papaya and orchids
3. Yellowish, powdery pollen grains found in Hibiscus
4. The more pistils may be fused together to form monocarpellary syncarpous gynoecium

Detailed Solution for Test: Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants - 2 - Question 20
  • Statement 1: Michelia (now often classified under Magnolia) does indeed have a polycarpellary, apocarpous gynoecium, meaning it has multiple separate carpels.
  • Statement 2: Papaya and orchids do have many ovules present in their ovaries. This statement is correct.
  • Statement 3: Hibiscus does have yellowish, powdery pollen grains. This statement is correct.
  • Statement 4: If pistils are fused together, they form a syncarpous gynoecium, which is a single compound structure. A monocarpellary gynoecium refers to a single carpel, not a fused structure. Therefore, the statement about pistils forming a monocarpellary syncarpous gynoecium is incorrect because these terms are mutually exclusive.

Thus, Statement 4 is incorrect.
Topic in NCERT: The Pistil, Megasporangium (ovule) and Embryo sac
Line in NCERT: "The gynoecium may consist of a single pistil (monocarpellary) or may have more than one pistil (multicarpellary). When there are more than one, the pistils may be fused together (syncarpous) or may be free (apocarpous)."

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