The common impurity present in most of the ores is
Which metal is also found in sea beds ?
The process of separating gangue and other impurities from the metals is known as
Which technique utilizes the density difference between the ore and the impurity to concentrate the ore is
Gravity separation technique is mainly applicable to
The diagram shows schematic representation of
In extraction of gold and silver, the metals is leached into aqueous solution using
Liquation method is used for the metals which have
Which metal is used in paints and lacquers?
Extraction process of Bauxite is known as
Which among the following ores are not found on earth’s crust?
In the froth floatation process for the concentration of ore, the particles float because
Which among the following act as froth stabilizer?
Impurities associated with Bauxite ore is/are
At 1123 K temperature in the blast furnace, CO reduces
In the extraction of nickel by Mond’s process, the metal is obtained by
Which of the following ore contains both Mg and Ca?
Which among the following reaction takes place in zone of heat absorption?