What portion of deposits are kept bythe banks for their day to day transaction ?
[2011 (T-2)]
Which households take more loansfrom the formal sector ?
[2011 (T-2)]
Why bank deposits are known asdemand deposits ?
[2011 (T-2)]
Which one of the following is the mainsource of credit for the richhouseholds?
[2011 (T-2)]
Which among these is an essentialfeature of barter system ?
[2011 (T-2)]
When both parties agree to sell and buyeach others commodities it is knownas :
[2011 (T-2)]
Banks use the major portion of thedeposit to :
[2011 (T-2)]
Deposites in bank accounts withdrawnon demand are called :
[2011 (T-2)]
Cheap and affordable credit results inwhich one of the following ?
[2011 (T-2)]
Which is not the main source of creditfrom the following for ruralhouseholds in India ?
[2011 (T-2)]
Which one of the following is notincluded in the terms of credit?
[2011 (T-2)]
Which one of the following is NOT aformal source of credit?
[2011 (T-2)]
The functioning of the formal sourcesof credit are supervised by :
[2011 (T-2)]
Banks do not give loans :
[2011 (T-2)]
Terms of credit does not include :
[2011 (T-2)]
Anything which is generally accepted by the people in exchange of goods and services is called :
[2011 (T-2)]
Formal Sources of credit include :
[2011 (T-2)]
Which one of the following agencies issues currency notes on behalf of the government of India?
[2011 (T-2)]
Which one of the following is a majorreason that prevents the poor fromgetting loans from the banks?
[2011 (T-2)]
In a SHG most of the decisionsregarding loan activities are taken by
[2011 (T-2)]
Which one of the following constitutesmoney in modern day economy?
[2011 (T-2)]
Which one of the following is theimportant characteristic of modernform of currency?
[2011 (T-2)]
Which one of the following is NOT aninformal sector loans for poor ruralhousehold in India ?
[2011 (T-2)]
Which of the following is not trueregarding the in convenience of BarterExchange ?
[2011 (T-2)]
Which one of the following authorisesmoney as a medium of exchange?
[2011 (T-2)]
Which one of the following is not amodern form of money?
[2011 (T-2)]
Identify the formal source of credit.
[2011 (T-2)]
What do you mean by collateral?
[2011 (T-2)]
Which of the following is not anadvantage of self-help group?
[2011 (T-2)]
Which of the following is not a modernform of money?