Consider the resonating structures of prop-2-enal.
The correct decreasing order of stability of the given resonating structures is:
In a Carnot engine, efficiency is 40% at hot reservoir temperature T. For efficiency to be 50%, what shall be the temperature of the hot reservoir?
For a rope of yield strength Sy loaded in tension with weight Mg the minimum area A of the rope should be
Internal energy of a system increases by 60 J when 140 Jof heat is added to the gaseous system. The amount of work done would be:
Directions: In the following question, two statements are given. One is assertion and the other is reason. Examine the statements carefully and mark the correct answer according to the instructions given below.
Assertion: Displacement of a body may be zero when distance travelled by it is not zero.
Reason: Displacement is the longest distance between initial and final positions.
Directions: In the following question, two statements are given. One is assertion and the other is reason. Examine the statements carefully and mark the correct answer according to the instructions given below.
Assertion: Mass of moving photon varies inversely as the wavelength.
Reason: Energy of the particle = Mass x (speed of light)2
Two simple harmonic motions are represented by the equations and y2 = 0.1 cos πt. The phase difference of the velocity of particle 1, with respect to the velocity of particle 2, is
Which of the following methods/reactions is used for the preparation of pure methane?
Compounds (A) and (B) are soluble in water near to its boiling point. If the solubility of (A) is 2 g per 100 ml of water and the solubility of (B) is 4 g per 100 ml, then the name of method to separate (A) and (B) from their mixture is:
The nature of the products formed in the following reactions is:
An aqueous solution of compound A gives ethane on electrolysis. The compound A is
Which is the cofactor for the proteolytic enzyme carboxypeptidase?
Who among the following was/were the first to observe, describe and sketch a free living cell?
Lampbrush chromosome where two homologous chromosome with several chiasmata with several loops in chromatic region is found in
Which of the following gas is found to work as a second messenger?
Which of the following vacuoles occur in the cells of protozoan protists, several lower animals and phagocytes of higher animals?
Match the following :
Column A
a) PTH
b) Cortisol
c) Aldosterone
d) Somatostatin
Column B
i) Mineralocorticoid
ii) Inhibiting hormone
iii)Collip’s hormone
iv) Glucocorticoid
In shape, bacterial cells are of many types. The shape of which of the following bacteria is coiled like a cork-screw?
Proteins are linear chains of amino acids. Which of the following proteins enables glucose transport into the cells?
Centrosome and centrioles are made up of nine evenly spaced peripheral fibrils of