Insert the missing number.
7, 26, 63, 124, 215, 342, (....)
What was the day of the week on, 16th July, 1776?
Out of 7 consonants and 4 vowels, how many words of 3 consonants and 2 vowels can be formed?
A batsman makes a score of 87 runs in the 17th inning and thus increases his average by 3. Find his average after 17th inning?
The product of two numbers is 2028 and their H.C.F. is 13. The number of such pairs is:
A can do a piece of work in 10 days, B in 15 days. They work together for 5 days, the rest of the work is finished by C in two more days. If they get Rs. 3000 as wages for the whole work, what are the daily wages of A, B and C respectively (in Rs):
Two cards are drawn at random from a pack of 52 cards.what is the probability that either both are black or both are queen?
The perimeters of a circle, a square, and an equilateral triangle are equal. Which one of the following statements is true?
A family has several children. Each boy in this family has as many sisters as brothers, but each girl has twice as many brothers as sisters. How many brothers and sisters are there?
Which year in the future will have the same calendar exactly as 2021?
If 'n' is a natural numbers then, n (n + 1) (n + 2) is always divisible by:
Given a semicircle with O as the centre, as shown in the figure, the ratio are chords.
In the given figure, CD and AB are diameters of circle and AB and CD are perpendicular to each other. QL and SR are perpendiculars to AB and CD respectively. Radius of circle is 5 cm, PB ∶ PA = 2 ∶ 3 and CN ∶ ND = 2 : 3. What is the length (in cm) of SM?
The given bar graph shows the data of the production of suitcase (in thousand numbers) by three branches P, Q and R of a certain over the years.
What is the ratio of the average production of suitcases of branch P in the periods of 2012 to 2016 to the average production of suitcases of branch Q in the same periods?
The average of twelve 2 digit numbers is decreased by 3 when the digits of one of the 2 digit numbers is interchanged. Find the difference between the digits of that number.
All the following species are strong oxidizing agents. Their strength as oxidizing agents in acidic solution is such that –
Which of the following fibres is made of polyamides?
FeCr2O4 (chromite) is converted to Cr by following steps:
During the process of electrolytic refining of copper, some metals present as impurity settle as 'anode mud' These are
V2 O5 is red or orange in colour. It is a/an..... oxide –
Aniline in a set of the following reactions yielded a coloured product 'Y'.
The structure of 'Y' would be
Polypropylene can be obtained by polymerisation of
Intermediate formed during reaction of with Br2 and KOH are:
Heating mixture of Cu2O and Cu2S will give
Which of the following amines is the most basic in nature?
Which is not true statement about KMnO4?
The synthesis of amine by Gabriel Phthalimide reaction cannot yield
Benzaldehyde condenses with N,N-dimethyl aniline in presence anhydrous ZnCl2 to give