Direction: Give the meaning of the Foreign phrase given below.
Direction: Give the meaning of the Foreign phrase given below.
Ad valorem
Direction: Give the meaning of the Foreign phrase given below.
Ad interim
Direction: Give the meaning of the Foreign phrase given below.
Direction: Give the meaning of the Foreign phrase given below.
Inter Alia
Direction: Give the meaning of the Foreign phrase given below.
Mala fide
Direction: Give the meaning of the Foreign phrase given below.
In toto
Direction: Give the meaning of the Foreign phrase given below.
Direction: Give the meaning of the Foreign phrase given below.
Ultra Vires
Direction: Give the meaning of the Foreign phrase given below.
Per capita
Direction: Give the meaning of the Foreign phrase given below.
Modus operandi
Direction: Give the meaning of the Foreign phrase given below.
Direction: Give the meaning of the Foreign phrase given below.
Ad infinitum
Direction: Give the meaning of the Foreign phrase given below.
Prima facie
Direction: Give the meaning of the Foreign phrase given below.
Ad hoc
Direction: Give the meaning of the Foreign phrase given below.
Ipso facto
Direction: Give the meaning of the Foreign phrase given below.
Direction: Give the meaning of the Foreign phrase given below.
Lingua franca
Direction: Give the meaning of the Foreign phrase given below.
Locus standi
Direction: Give the meaning of the Foreign phrase given below.
Beau Jour