What legal protection was provided to women facing physical and mental violence within their homes in 2006?
What challenge do SC and ST girls face regarding schooling?
When was the law formulated to protect women against domestic violence, as mentioned in the text?
The Women's Movement is known for its efforts to fight against ____________ and seek justice for women.
Rokeya Sakhawat Hossain wrote a story titled Sultana’s Dream in 1905, imagining a place called Ladyland where women had the freedom to study, work, and create inventions like controlling rain from the clouds and flying air cars. This story reflected her dreams about gender equality and women's ________.
Rashsundari Devi's autobiography, Amar Jiban, is to ____________ as Rokeya Sakhawat Hossain's Sultana’s Dream is to Ladyland.
Fill in the blank:
The Supreme Court formulated guidelines in 1997 to protect women against ____________ at the workplace and within educational institutions.
SC and ST girls leaving school at a higher rate is to inadequate facilities as Muslim girls leaving school at a lower rate is to ____________.