A hormone with seat of activity in liver-changing glucose into glycogen is produced by :-
Ovulation in mammals occurs mainly under the influence of :-
Which gland is both exocrine as well as endocrine
Which part of pancreas produce and secrete insulin?
Oversecretion of glucagon causes :-
Insulin by chemical nature is :-
If ovaries from a pregnant woman are removed in 4th month of pregnency then :-
Secretion of estrogen is controlled by :-
Immediate cause of induction of ovulation in human female is large in plasma surge of :-
Alpha cells are found in _________ of the islet while beta cells are usually found in the __________ of the islet.
Stimulation of uterine contraction during child birth is brought about by :-
Progesterone hormone is secreted from :-
What is the name of the adrenal cortex’s outer layer?
Presence of "HCG" in urine of female confirm :-
Injection Insulin to an animal leads to increased :-
In a man being pursued by a dog, which of these hormones would be released quickly?
Which hormone has anti insulin effect :-
What condition results from a lack of the hormones produced by the adrenal cortex?
The ______ secretes catecholamines.
Assertion : Diabetes insipidus is marked by excessive urination and too much thrust for water .
Reason : Anti-Diuretic hormone is secreted by posterior lobe of pitutary gland
The "Estrogen" secretion is controlled by :-
The function of Glucagon doesn't include-
Glycosuria and Ketonuria are dignostic of -