Children think that everything around them, including toys, are alive. This mental characteristic of children is called
Which term is often used interchangeably with the term 'Motivation'?
Children think that everything around them, including toys, are alive. This mental characteristic of children is called
Which is the place where the child's 'cognitive' development is defined in the best way?
Answer the following question by selecting the most appropriate option.
Gifted students:
To make assessment a ‘useful and interesting’ process, one should be careful about
Raja, a student of your class, is very tense due to the acne on his face. What will you do?
Co-Scholoastic areas of Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation (CCE) includes:
A. Life Skills
B. Work Education
C. Visual and Performing Arts
D. Attitude and Values
Following are the groups of codes as mentioned above, select the most appropriate group.
If (the place value of 8 in 45876) - (the place value of 6 in 9864) = 37 × ______, then the number which comes in blank space is:
You are a mathematics teacher and preparing yourself for your next class on circles. You can properly teach the concept of circles to the students by
The number of days in 70 months(considering 30 days a month) is equal to the number of days in ________ weeks.
What is the remainder when 3x3 + 4x2 - x - 3 is divided by x + 2?
The missing number in the pattern 1, 5, 2, 10....15, 4, 20 is
A water tank is 11 meter long, 10 meter wide and 9 meter high. It is filled with water to a level of 6 meter. What part of the tank is empty?
राहुल को जब भी कक्षा में उत्तर देने के लिए कहा जाता है, वह हकलाने लगता है। इसका क्या कारण हो सकता है?
निम्नलिखित गद्यांश को पढ़कर पूछे गए प्रश्नों के उत्तर लिखिए।
कौन नहीं चाहता कि उन्हें ज्यादा से ज्यादा लोग जानें। पर इसकी जो कीमत चुकानी होती है, उसके लिए कम ही लोग तैयार होते है। आप चर्चित हैं, तो आपकी सामाजिक जवाबदेही भी अधिक होती है। हर अनुकूल-प्रतिकूल स्थिति के लिए आपको बाकी लोगों से ज्यादा तैयारी करनी पड़ती है। चर्चित होने के बाद खुद के मुताबिक सामान्य जीवन जीना और भी कठिन होता है। चर्चित लोगों से अनौपचारिक बात करें, तो पाएंगे की ऐसे में वे जो बता रहे हैं, उससे वह अलग है, जो उन्होंने औपचारिक बातचीत के दौरान कही थी। चर्चित व्यक्तियों की बनी छवि प्रायः सच्चाई से अलग होती है। विडंबना यह है कि वे 'खुद भी उसी छवि को जीने में लग जाते है, जो गढ़ी गई है। अलबर्ट आइंस्टाइन ने, जिन्हें लोग सुपर मानव कहते हैं और जो जीवन काल में ही इस दुनिया के सर्वाधिक लोकप्रिय व्यक्ति थे, एक बार कहा था कि मेरी उपलब्धियों व क्षमताओं के बीच, जो लोगों द्वारा समझी गई है और वास्तव में जो मैं हूँ, एक विरोधाभास है। लोकप्रियता के सामाजिक - नैतिक पहलू पर अध्ययन करने वाले मनोविज्ञानी कहते हैं - टिकाऊ लोकप्रियता सही मायने में वही है, जो दिलों पर राज करवाए, न कि चर्चाओं में चर्चा में होना सरल है, पर इसकी प्रक्रिया है जटिल। इसीलिए लोकप्रिय व्यक्ति प्रायः बदनाम भी जल्दी होता है। उसके नकारात्मक पहलु भी जल्द सामने आते हैं। उन पर अहं भी जल्दी तारी हो जाता है। ऐसी लोकप्रियता अक्सर यह भ्रम देती है कि आप सामान्य से अलग हैं। यह सोच अपनों व दूसरों से बहुत दूर ले जाती है। इसे संतुलित तरीके से न लिया जाये, तो ज्यादातर चर्चित व्यक्तियों के लिए यह दुःखी करने वाली होती है। अंततः यह बात याद रखें कि प्रसिद्ध लोगों को गुमनामी का सामना करना और खुद को नैतिक बनाए रखना आना चाहिए। अन्यथा वक्त की हवा के बीच वे तिनके की तरह उड़ा दिए जाएँगे।
Q. लोकप्रिय व्यक्ति में क्या नहीं होता?
निर्देश: निम्नलिखित गद्यांश को ध्यान पूर्वक पढ़िए व प्रश्नों के उत्तर दीजिये-
विभिन्न इलेक्ट्रॉनिक माध्यमों सहित परम्परागत रूप से प्रकाशित अखबारों को प्रदत्त अभिव्यक्ति की स्वतंत्रता को प्रेस की स्वतंत्रता कहा जाता है। किन्तु इस समस्या का एक दूसरा पहलू भी है। दुनियाभर में मीडिया कार्पोरेट के हाथ में है जिसका एकमात्र उद्देश्य अधिक से अधिक फ़ायदा कमाना है। वास्तव में कोई प्रेस स्वतंत्र है ही नहीं। बड़े पत्रकार मोटा वेतन लेते हैं और इसी वजह से वे फैंसी जीवनशैली के आदी हो गए हैं। वो इसे खोना नहीं चाहेंगे और इसलिए ही आदेशों का पालन करते हैं और तलवे चाटते हैं। विभिन्न देशों की सरकारें भी विभिन्न कानून लाकर प्रेस पर काबू पाना चाहते हैं। उदाहरण के तौर पर भारत सरकार ने हाल ही में ऑनलाइन मीडिया वेबसाइट पर निगरानी रखने के लिए नया कानून पेश किया है। इसके तहत सरकार ऑनलाइन कुछ भी छपने पर नियंत्रण करना चाहती है।
Q. दिए गए विकल्पों में ‘पत्रकार’ शब्द क्या है?
Directions: Answer the following question by selecting the most appropriate option.
Anaesthesia in any part of the body means a loss of sensation, either permanent or temporary. The term is usually used to describe the artificially produced loss of sensation which makes a surgical operation painless.
There are four main types of anaesthesia: General, Spinal, Regional, and Local. Anaesthetics may be given as gases, by inhalation; or as drugs injected into a vein. A patient given general anaesthesia loses consciousness. Anaesthesia of a fairly large area of the body results from injecting the anaesthetic drug into the spinal canal: all that portion of the body below the level at which the drug is injected is anaesthetised. Regional anaesthesia is the injecting of the nerves as they emerge from the spinal column: the anaesthesia induced by this method affects only that area of the body supplied by those nerves. In local anaesthesia, the drug is injected directly at the site of the operative incision and sometimes also into the nearby surrounding tissues.
Formerly, the most commonly used local anaesthetic was cocaine, a drug extracted from the leaves of the coca bush and introduced in 1879. But cocaine has some disadvantages and, sometimes, undesirable side-effects. For spinal, regional and local anaesthesia, procaine, or one of the several modifications of procaine, is now widely used instead of cocaine, for very limited and short operations, such as opening a small abscess. Local anaesthesia may be induced by spraying (rather than injecting) a chemical, ethyl chloride, on a small area of the skin; in changing from the liquid to the gaseous state, this drug freezes the area sprayed, and permits painless incision.
Q. An anaesthetic is inhaled when it is administered
Directions: Go through the passage carefully and answer the question that follows:
Summer break was fast approaching, and all Ram wanted to do was to go to a hill station. Unfortunately, Ram’s parents had different plans. They had booked a week-long tropical cruise. Ram hated warm weather and asked if he could just stay at his best friend’s house so he could he could go to any hill station with his buddies. His parents didn’t want to hear anything of it. He kept debating with them about the topic, but they would not change their minds. Family time was important to them, and it was a tradition that they spend the summer break together.
The week of the cruise arrived, and Ram continued to mumble his complaints as he and his family left their house to head south. Ram’s dad told him that he would only make the vacation worse for himself if he didn’t change his attitude and open his mind to a new experience. Ram still couldn’t stop thinking about all the hill stations he was leaving behind.
When they arrived at the port to board the ship, Ram had a hard time admitting that he was actually impressed with the size of the ship. He had seen the brochures but seeing the ship in person was a whole new ball game. Then he remembered that the brochure said something about a surfing pool. Maybe surfing would be somewhat fun at a hill station.
Ram climbed aboard the ship with his parents, and then they walked around to check everything out. He couldn’t believe how extravagant the accommodations were. The dining room looked like a royal hall; the game room had all of his favorite games; the ship’s deck had several different swimming pools for different purposes. Then Ram saw the surfing pool. It was incredible. It wasn’t a big pool, but it had big waves, and the girl who was demonstrating how to ride the waves made it look like a ton of fun.
Ram asked his parents if he could go put his swim shorts on so that he could try surfing. They said, “Of course.” They wanted to put their swim suits on as well, and, much to Ram’s surprise, they wanted to try surfing too.
They enjoyed themselves, and by the time the week-long cruise was over, Ram had new friends he planned to keep in touch with, a new hobby, and great memories. He apologized to his parents for initial moaning and groaning and told them that it was his best vacation ever.
Q. Why was Ram mumbling and complaining?
Read the given poem and answer the questions that follow by selecting the most appropriate option.
Between the Miles
Because existence can become severe
in one day
just sense me and I’ll be there.
In the mind’ eye,
I’m not so far away
If you hold out your hand,
In the whispers,
I’ll become the zephyr ……
And besiege you.
If your eye’s upon the stars,
In the crystalline darkness,
I’ll become the moon.
And the light shall guide you.
If you rest upon the ground,
In the warmth,
I’ll become the grass.
And embrace you
If you turn outside,
In the wetness,
I’ll become the rain.
And upon your forehead, kiss you.
If you free the air,
In the light of day,
I’ll become the sun.
And smile for you.
Between the miles
If you need me.
If you need a friend.
Let me be the friend, I want to be.
Read each of the following passages and answer the question by selecting the most appropriate option.
Stopping By Woods on a Snowy Evening
Whose woods these are I think I know.
His house is in the village though;
He will not see me stopping here
To watch his woods fill up with snow.
My little horse must think it queer
To stop without a farmhouse near
Between the woods and frozen lake
The darkest evening of the year.
He gives his harness bells a shake
To ask if there is some mistake.
The only other sound's the sweep
Of easy wind and downy flake.
The woods are lovely, dark and deep.
But I have promises to keep,
And miles to go before I sleep,
And miles to go before I sleep.
Q. The rhyme scheme of stanza ONE is:
Identify the type of the following sentence:
"As he was stabbed fatally, he died."
Which of the following strategies can be adopted for children with reading disabilities?
Read the given passage and answer the questions that follow:
The National Statistical Office (NSO) released a set of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) numbers earlier this week. The most recent data, namely, GDP growth for the quarter ending December 2022, came at 4.4%. This is 30 basis points (0.3 percentage point) lower than what a Bloomberg poll of economists expected the number to be. NSO has retained a projection of 7% growth in 2022-23 between its first and second advance estimates, which means that GDP growth in the quarter ending March will have to be 5.1%. This goes against the widespread opinion among economists that the Indian economy is losing, not gaining growth momentum at the moment.
NSO’s latest data release includes other sets of GDP numbers as well. They include the first revised estimate for 2021-22, the second revised estimate for 2020-21 and the final estimate for 2019-20. It is not Chanakya’s intent to overwhelm the readers with bureaucratic processes involving the release of statistics, but these revisions to past GDP numbers have significantly changed the facts as far as the Indian economy’s performance is concerned. GDP growth rates for 2019-20, 2020-21 and 2021-22 have been revised upwards from the earlier figures of 3.7%, -6.6% and 8.7% to 3.9%, -5.8% and 9.1%, respectively.
The revisions have had an effect on the latest growth statistics as well. If the December 2022 quarter GDP was compared to the December 2021 GDP numbers before the latest revision, the economy would have shown an expansion of 5.1% instead of 4.4%. To be sure, there is nothing one can do about this problem of comparing hitherto revised statistics with one that will undergo a revision two years down the line. And while one can claim to be wise in hindsight, Chanakya believes that such large adjustments in a crucial economic indicator like GDP have a blindsiding effect on economic policy which ideally requires data in real-time.
But deficiencies in our statistical system are a topic for another column; let us return to the state of the economy at the moment. Any modern economy has its share of headwinds and tailwinds to growth at a given moment in time. What are the most pressing headwinds for the Indian economy right now? First is the dissipation of pent-up consumption demand, which soared after being shackled due to pandemic-era restrictions. Private consumption is the single most important driver of the Indian economy. It had a share of 60% in total GDP in the December 2022 quarter. This is not to say that private consumption is going to plunge.
Q. Which of the following is an antonym of the word 'crucial'?