A thermal neutron having speed v impinges on a 235⋃ nucleus. The reaction cross-section is proportional to
The total angular momentum j of the ground state of the nucleus is
When nucleus is bombarded with neutrons, radioactive
and certain particles are produced.
An alpha particle having energy 5 MeV entering into the proportional counter with capacity of 25 pf. The resultant pulse height will be close to:
(Ionisation Potential ~ 15 eV)
A neutral particle X° is produced in π- + p → X° + n by s-wave scattering. The branching ratios of the decay of X° to 2y, 3π and 2π are 0.38, 0.30 and less than 10-3, respectively. The quantum numbers JCP of X° are
The strong nuclear force between a neutron and a proton in a zero orbital angular momentum state is denoted by Fnp(r), where r is the separation between them. Similarly, Fnn (r) and Fpp (r) denote the forces between a pair of neutrons and protons, respectively, in zero orbital momentum state. Which of the following is true on average if the inter-nucleon distance is 0.2 fm < r < 2 fm?
The tensor component of the nuclear force may be inferred from the fact that deuteron nucleus
The Q - value of the α - decay of 232Th to the ground state of 228Ra is 4082 keV. The maximum possible kinetic energy of the α - particle is closest to