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WB TET Mock Test - 8 - WBTET MCQ

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30 Questions MCQ Test - WB TET Mock Test - 8

WB TET Mock Test - 8 for WBTET 2024 is part of WBTET preparation. The WB TET Mock Test - 8 questions and answers have been prepared according to the WBTET exam syllabus.The WB TET Mock Test - 8 MCQs are made for WBTET 2024 Exam. Find important definitions, questions, notes, meanings, examples, exercises, MCQs and online tests for WB TET Mock Test - 8 below.
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WB TET Mock Test - 8 - Question 1

Which of the following is/are the independent variable(s) of teaching?

Detailed Solution for WB TET Mock Test - 8 - Question 1

Teaching process includes three variables:

  • Dependent variable: A student is a dependent variable.
  • Independent variable: A teacher is an independent variable.
  • Intervening variable: It plays a role for the interaction between other two variables. This includes content and methods of teaching.
WB TET Mock Test - 8 - Question 2

A student has a problem. He/She asks the teacher "What shall I do ?" The teacher should

Detailed Solution for WB TET Mock Test - 8 - Question 2

Being a good teacher is extremely important, and a good teacher is someone who a student will remember and cherish for the rest of their lives. Teachers must solve the problems of the students for their better learning.

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WB TET Mock Test - 8 - Question 3

If the teacher realises that most of the students in her class are weak in studies, she should

Detailed Solution for WB TET Mock Test - 8 - Question 3

She should keep her pace of teaching slow, while paying extra attention towards the weaker students. It will be beneficial to both weak and intelligent students, and will not cause lack of interest in bright students too.

WB TET Mock Test - 8 - Question 4

'अखरावट' के रचयिता हैं:

Detailed Solution for WB TET Mock Test - 8 - Question 4

मलिक मुहम्मद जायसी हिन्दी साहित्य के भक्ति काल की निर्गुण प्रेमाश्रयी धारा के कवि थे। वे अत्यंत उच्चकोटि के सरल और उदार सूफ़ी महात्मा थे। जायसी मलिक वंश के थे। उनकी प्रमुख कृतियों में पद्मावत, अखरावट, आख़िरी कलाम, कहरनामा, चित्ररेखा आदि प्रमुख हैं।

WB TET Mock Test - 8 - Question 5
निम्नांकित में 'विस्मयादिबोधक शब्द' का उदाहरण है -
Detailed Solution for WB TET Mock Test - 8 - Question 5

सही उत्तर "शाबाश" है।

  • दिए गए विकल्पों में, 'शाबाश' शब्द 'विस्मयादिबोधक' अव्यय है।
  • दिए गए जिन शब्दों से शोक, विस्मय, घृणा, आश्चर्य आदि भाव व्यक्त हों, उन्हें विस्मयादि बोधक अव्यय कहा जाता है।
  • जैसे - (शाबाश!) तुमने बहुत अच्छा कार्य किया।
  • इस वाक्य में आश्चर्य के भाव प्रकट हों रहा है और साथ ही इस वाक्य में विस्मयादिबोधक (!) चिह्न का प्रयोग हुआ है इसलिए यहां विस्मयसूचक अव्यय है।

Key Points

अन्य विकल्पों का विश्लेषण:

Additional Information

  • वे शब्द जिनमे लिंग, कारक, वचन, पुरुष आदि के कारण कोई विकार/ परिवर्तन उत्पन्न नहीं होता है, अव्यय शब्द कहलाते है।
  • जैसे – आज, कब, इधर, किन्तु आदि।
  • अव्यय के पांच भेद हैं
WB TET Mock Test - 8 - Question 6

इनमें से कौन-सा उपसर्ग अरबी/फ़ारसी का है?

Detailed Solution for WB TET Mock Test - 8 - Question 6

इनमें गैर उपसर्ग अरबी/फ़ारसी का है।

  • गैर - अरबी/फ़ारसी का उपसर्ग
    • अर्थ - निषेध
    • शब्द - गैर-ज़िम्मेदार, गैरक़ानूनी, गैरमुल्क, गैरहाजिर

Key Pointsअन्य विकल्प -

  • कु (हिन्दी का उपसर्ग)
    • अर्थ - बुरा
    • शब्द - कुमंत्रणा, कुप्रथा, कुचलना
  • उप (संस्कृत का उपसर्ग)
    • अर्थ - निकट, सदृश, गौण
    • शब्द - उपदेश, उपवन, उपमंत्री
  • भर (हिन्दी का उपसर्ग)
    • अर्थ - पूरा
    • शब्द - भरपेट, भरपूर, भरसक

Additional Informationउपसर्ग -

  • उपसर्ग शब्द के शुरूआत में जुड़ते हैं और मूल शब्द का अर्थ बदल देते हैं।
  • उदाहरण :- अप + यश = अपयश, अध + पका = अधपका, ना + लायक = नालायक, हाफ + टिकट = हाफटिकट आदि।
    • हिन्दी में मुख्यतः चार प्रकार के उपसर्ग होते है :-
      • संस्कृत के उपसर्ग (प्र, परा, अप, सम्, अनु, अव, निस्, निर्, दुस्, दुर्, वि, आङ्, नि, अधि, अपि, अति, सु, उत्, अभि, प्रति, परि तथा उप)
      • हिंदी के उपसर्ग (अन, अध, उन, , कु, चौ, पच, पर, बिन, भर, , सह, चिर, , बहु, आप, सम, दु)
      • उर्दू (अरबी/फ़ारसी) के उपसर्ग (ला, बद, बे, कम, ग़ैर, ना, खुश, हम, ऐन, सर, बेश, बा, अल)
      • अंग्रेजी के उपसर्ग (, हाफ, को, हैड, वाइस)
WB TET Mock Test - 8 - Question 7
‘प्रातःकाल’ शब्द में कौन-सा उपसर्ग है?
Detailed Solution for WB TET Mock Test - 8 - Question 7

‘प्रातःकाल’ शब्द में प्रातः उपसर्ग है।

  • प्रातः + काल = प्रातः काल
  • 'प्रातः' (सबेरा) उपसर्ग और 'काल' मूलशब्द
  • अर्थ: सबेरे का समय, प्रभात।

Key Points

  • उपसर्ग शब्द के शुरू में जुड़ता है।

Additional Information कुछ महत्वपूर्ण उपसर्ग शब्द:-​

  • प्रातः (सबेरा) - प्रातः वन्दना, प्रातः स्मरणीय
  • अधि (प्रधान/श्रेष्ठ) - अधिनियम, अधिनायक, अधिकृत, अधिकरण।
  • उप (सहायक) - उपभोग, उपवन, उपमन्त्री, उपयोग, उपनाम, उपहार।
  • सम् (अच्छी तरह) - सन्तोष, संगठन,संलग्न, संकल्प, संशय, संरक्षा।
  • प्रति (प्रत्येक) - प्रतिदिन, प्रत्येक, प्रतिकूल, प्रतिहिंसा, प्रतिरूप, प्रतिध्वनि।
  • निर् (बिना) - निराकार, निरादर, नीरोग, नीरस, निरीह, निरक्षर।
  • अनु (पीछे) - अनुचर, अनुकरण, अनुकूल, अनुनाद, अनुभव।
WB TET Mock Test - 8 - Question 8

ढीठ पर्यायवाची शब्द का अर्थ क्या होगा?

Detailed Solution for WB TET Mock Test - 8 - Question 8

‘ढीठ’ पर्यावाची शब्द का अर्थ अविनीत है।

ढीठ का पर्यायवाची धृष्ट, उद्दंड, दुस्साहसी हैं।

WB TET Mock Test - 8 - Question 9

The following sentence has been broken into four parts with an error in one part. Identify that part and mark it as your answer. If there are no errors in any of the given parts, mark option 4 or ‘No error’ as your answer.

Q. The student, whom you (1)/ expected to win the prize, (2)/ had lost miserably.(3)/ No error (4).

Detailed Solution for WB TET Mock Test - 8 - Question 9

The correct answer is 'who'. 'Who' is nominative and is used to refer to the subject. 'Whom' is objective and is used to refer to the object. The word 'whose' is possessive and is used to show belonging or association. The word 'which' is used for inanimate objects.
and in the given sentence you can see we are referring to a man who was on the continent so we are talking about the subject 
suppose the sentence is
The student, who  had lost miserably.
so in this we are talking about the student and not "you"
Example- This is Mr. Lee, who is the greatest martial art teacher of this era. But  Mr. Lee, whom you thought so highly of, has lost the fight.

WB TET Mock Test - 8 - Question 10

Direction: A word in capital letters is followed by four words. Choose the word that is most nearly opposite in meaning to the word given in capital letters.


Detailed Solution for WB TET Mock Test - 8 - Question 10

As we know that ,
Delectable is delightful or pleasant, distasteful is something unpleasant, agonizing is something that gives pain and anxiety, appetizing means to rouse or increase appetite, laborious means something that needs or shows much effort.
Thus , Distasteful is antonym ( opposite ) word of Delectable . 

WB TET Mock Test - 8 - Question 11

Direction: In these Questions, Out of the four alternatives choose the one which can be substituted for the given words/sentence.

Words written on a tomb

Detailed Solution for WB TET Mock Test - 8 - Question 11

Epithet: Defamatory/ offensive / abusive words / phrases
epigraph: an Engraved inscription
Soliloquy: A dramatic speech : monologue
Epitaph: words written on a tomb

WB TET Mock Test - 8 - Question 12

Direction: A word in capital letters is followed by four words. Choose the word that is most nearly opposite in meaning to the word given in capital letters.


Detailed Solution for WB TET Mock Test - 8 - Question 12

As we know that ,
Rampant is widespread, something that can’t be controlled or kept in limits, furious is angry and restrained is controlled, kept in limits.
Hence , Restrained is opposite word of Rampant . 

WB TET Mock Test - 8 - Question 13

For this given AP 3, 1, -1, -3, find the values of a and d is:

Detailed Solution for WB TET Mock Test - 8 - Question 13

a = 3
d = a(2) – a(1)
⇒ 1 – 3 = -2
⇒ d = -2

WB TET Mock Test - 8 - Question 14

The concept of areas of plane figures can be introduced to the students of Class V by:

Detailed Solution for WB TET Mock Test - 8 - Question 14

The teaching methods should be more reliable to the students at this stage. Mostly the teacher teaches the students by using the non-metric units to calculate the mathematics, these are also known as basic mathematical techniques. In this method, the students are used to measure the area or lengths with the help of their palm-size, with the length of the pencil they use or by taking some leaves to measure.

WB TET Mock Test - 8 - Question 15

A basic process among the following is

Detailed Solution for WB TET Mock Test - 8 - Question 15

Mathematics is a science that involves dealing with numbers, different kinds of calculations, measurement of shapes and structures, organization and interpretation of data, establishing relationships among variables, etc. 

WB TET Mock Test - 8 - Question 16

A candidate in an examination was asked to find  of a certain number. By mistake he found  of it. Thus, his answer was 25 more than the correct answer. The number was :

Detailed Solution for WB TET Mock Test - 8 - Question 16

Let the required number be x.
As given,

WB TET Mock Test - 8 - Question 17

A Maths teacher provides a figure to his students and tells them to identify the number of triangles from the given figure. This is a type of ________ thinking.

Detailed Solution for WB TET Mock Test - 8 - Question 17

The number of triangles can be estimated after the systematic analysis of the figure. Therefore, it is a kind of analytical thinking.

WB TET Mock Test - 8 - Question 18

34.95 + 240.016 + 23.98 = ?

Detailed Solution for WB TET Mock Test - 8 - Question 18

WB TET Mock Test - 8 - Question 19

In the A.P. -3, -1/2, 2 …. The 11th term is

Detailed Solution for WB TET Mock Test - 8 - Question 19

The A.P. is -3, -1/2, 2 …
Where a = – 3
d = a(2) – a(1) = (-1 / 2) - (-3)
⇒ (-1 / 2) + 3 = 5 / 2
a(n) = a + (n−1) x d
a(11) = 3 + (11-1) x (5 / 2)
a(11) = 3 + (10) x (5 / 2)
a(11) = -3 + 25
a(11) = 22

WB TET Mock Test - 8 - Question 20

The concept of 'seed germination' can be taught best by

Detailed Solution for WB TET Mock Test - 8 - Question 20

The activity will help the students to gain first-hand experience. This helps in better retention of the concepts.

WB TET Mock Test - 8 - Question 21

Which of the following should not be done by an EVS teacher while assessing students?

Detailed Solution for WB TET Mock Test - 8 - Question 21

The teacher should focus on each and every aspect of students' work, and not only on a few selected ones.

WB TET Mock Test - 8 - Question 22

Experimenting, exploring, investigating and questioning constitute essential elements of active learning of EVS. A teacher arranges the following activities related to the concept of 'Food we should eat'. Which one of the below given activities satisfies the condition for active learning?

Detailed Solution for WB TET Mock Test - 8 - Question 22

Asking students to collect related information from all possible sources satisfies the condition of active learning.

WB TET Mock Test - 8 - Question 23

Which one of the following is not an objective of including riddles and puzzles in the EVS textbook?

Detailed Solution for WB TET Mock Test - 8 - Question 23

The objectives of including riddles and puzzles in the EVS textbook are, to develop curiosity and ability to think creatively, to develop critical thinking ability in the students, to develop reasoning ability in the students. It is not related to confusing the mind of the students and letting them enjoy the confusion.
Hence, the correct answer is, 'To confuse the mind of the students and let them enjoy the confusion.'

WB TET Mock Test - 8 - Question 24

A Shooting star is a:

Detailed Solution for WB TET Mock Test - 8 - Question 24

A Shooting star is a Meteorid that catches fire as it enters the Earth's atmosphere. A shooting star is a piece of rock or metal that burns very brightly when it enters the Earth's atmosphere from space. From the Earth, it looks like a bright star, which travels very fast across the sky.
Hence, the correct answer is, 'Meteorid which catches fire as it enters the Earth's atmosphere.'

WB TET Mock Test - 8 - Question 25

At the primary stage, assessments should consist of:

Detailed Solution for WB TET Mock Test - 8 - Question 25

At the primary stage, assessments should consist of Continuous and Unstructured teacher observations to be shared with learners and parents.
Assessment should not be limited to only exams or any sort of test, and games. It should include all aspects, all activities that are being taken in a school. It is not necessary that there should be structured observation only, it can also include unstructured observations.
Hence, the correct answer is, 'Continuous and Unstructured teacher observations to be shared with learners and parents.'

WB TET Mock Test - 8 - Question 26

Cooked rice can be preserved for a longer time in a refrigerator because:

Detailed Solution for WB TET Mock Test - 8 - Question 26

Cooked rice when stored within the refrigerator tends to become dry. This food item is often stored for about three days considering it is low or negligible levels of protein in it. The bacteria prospering on protein foods are more likely to give foodborne illnesses than the bacteria prospering on starch and sugars.
Hence, the correct answer is, 'Microbes becomes inactive at low temperature.'

WB TET Mock Test - 8 - Question 27

Which of the following is a reason that students do not take part in learning EVS in schools?
I. Hostile environment
II. Poor teaching
III. Lack of interest in studies

Detailed Solution for WB TET Mock Test - 8 - Question 27

Environmental Studies are the study of the environment in the context of earth and living things. It is more concerned with the scientific attitude to explore, investigate, and develop an understanding of our natural, human, social and cultural dimensions of local and wider environments. Reasons that students do not take part in learning EVS in schools:

  • Poverty, Accessibility and Availability: Often, schools are used for other purposes rather than what a school is meant for. For example, as an election booth, relief camp. Hence, there is no place for students to study.
  • The School and Teachers: Sometimes school becomes a 'toxic' place for students where he does not like to come. For example, getting expelled for "talking back to teacher". He should be provided remedial teaching in such cases. Poor teaching and hostile environment of school also lead to teaching-learning EVS.
  • Lack of Interest: Many a time students do not take interest in studies. Reason can be many behind this, as interest in sports, music, or sometimes teachers fail to create interest.
  • Excessive Academic Pressure from School and Parents: The higher expectation is something students can not cope up with. Every parent needs to understand that a child has his own capability and interest, which makes him different from other children.

Hence, all the above points are reasons that students do not take part in learning EVS in schools.

WB TET Mock Test - 8 - Question 28

Assertion (A): The main aim of EVS as spelled out in NCF 2005 is “to expose students to the real-life world, natural and social, in which they live.
Reasoning (R): The teaching-learning of EVS is thus just not a study area for primary stage children but is a training ground for developing environmentally friendly attitudes, values, habits, and behaviors.

Detailed Solution for WB TET Mock Test - 8 - Question 28

EVS curriculum revised after NCF 2005, the learning experiences are planned to provide enormous scope for children’s knowledge construction. Children need to be helped to make connections between their observations and experiences in their environment and derive meaning (new information /knowledge).

WB TET Mock Test - 8 - Question 29

Which of the following statements is not an objective of teaching EVS at the primary level?

Detailed Solution for WB TET Mock Test - 8 - Question 29

The objective of teaching EVS at the primary level is not limited just to equip the students with terms and definitions for assessment purpose only.
The objectives of environmental education are to increase public awareness about an environmental issue.
The main objectives of environmental education are as follow.

  • The common duty of maintaining, protecting and improving the quality of the environment.
  • It helps in engaging in exploratory and hands-on activities that lead to the development of cognitive and psychomotor skills.
  • It provides the way in which each individual can contribute to the protection of the environment.
  • It provides opportunities to acquire the knowledge, values, attitudes, commitment and skills needed to protect and improve the environment.
  • It encourages pupils to examine and interpret the environment from a variety of perspectives.
  • It helps to arouse pupil’s awareness and curiosity about the environment.
  • It plays an important role to minimize population growth.
  • It helps to develop national integrity among students.

Hence, we conclude that to load learners with terms and definitions for assessment is not an objective of teaching EVS at the primary level.

WB TET Mock Test - 8 - Question 30

To improve the EVS teaching processes, assessment should be of

Detailed Solution for WB TET Mock Test - 8 - Question 30

Assessment is integral to the teaching-learning process which helps in facilitating student learning and improving instruction. 

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