The effective slenderness ratio of a column fixed at both ends is:
The volume of voids to volume of solids is known as
A mild steel wire is 10mm in diameter and 1mm long. If the wire is subjected to an axial tensile load of 10kN, find an extension of the road (Take E = 200 x 109.)
The rectangular beam of width, 250 mm is having an effective depth of 317 mm. The concrete grade is M20 and the grade of reinforcing steel is Fe415. The moment capacity of the section due to concrete as per limit state method is:
For a granular soil, with an increasing void ratio, the critical hydraulic gradient:
In quadrantal bearing system, back bearing of a line may be obtained from its forward bearing, by
Cement will have higher ultimate strength, less generation of heat and less cracking if:
For routine consolidation test in the laboratory, the thickness of the specimen is;
A circular shaft can transmit a torque of 5kNm. If the torque is reduced to 4kNm, then the maximum value of bending moment that can be applied to the shaft is-
The grouping of piles will not reduce the load-carrying capacity in case of-
According to IS 800 – 1962 the permissible bending stress in steel slab plate is-
According to IS : 456-2000, the maximum reinforcement in a column is-
The operation of removing humps and hollows of the uniform concrete surface is known as-
The pressure distribution at the base of a flexible foundation for all types of soil is-
The sum of interior angles of a closed traverse is -
According to the central pollution control board(CPCB) recommended permissible noise levels, what is the noise level in decibels in an industrial area in the day time
What is the moisture depth available for evapotranspiration in the root zone of 1.5 m depth soil if the dry weight of soil is 2 gm/cc, field capacity is 40%, and the permanent wilting point is 20%?
For such element only under normal stresses, the radius of the Mohr circle is
Find the odd entry among silica fume, rice husk ash, metakaolin, and ground granulated blast furnace slag with respect to cement production.
The angular distance of a heavenly body from the Zenith is known as-
A beam is defined as a structural member subjected to-
I.S.I. has specified the full strength of concrete after-
Match List - I (Method of Levelling) with the List-II (Property)
If Reynold's number of the flow is 9500, then the drag coefficient for the transition region having a particle diameter size equal to 0.5 mm can be expressed as